Browse by Title
Thousands of early American serial publications collected by the American Antiquarian Society, covering 1691-1877.
Thousands of early American serial publications collected by the American Antiquarian Society, covering 1691-1877.
Millions of peer-reviewed full text articles in all disciplines.
The most multi-disciplinary and general full-text periodicals database. Contains the full text of approx. 3,500 journals, with indexing going back to the mid 1970's on some titles. Updated daily.
More than 70,000 streaming video titles spanning a range of subject areas including anthropology, sociology, counseling, film, health, history music.
An online resource providing medical reference texts and multimedia, patient education information in multiple languages, a diagnostic tool, an integrated drug database, and more.
McGraw-Hill’s online resource covering all scientific disciplines. It includes the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, plus biographies, definitions, images and videos.
An online collection of over 3,300 fully searchable high quality ebooks in the humanities.
Full text of journals of the Assoc. for Computing Machinery.
Full text of over 400 books plus primary sources, slave narratives, images and vetted web sites on the African American Experience.
Covering 1816-1922, newspapers, magazines, reports and annuals documenting African American religious life and culture.
Primary and secondary sources, and videos, concerning the migration of people of African descent to countries around the world from the 19th century to the present.
Contains literary works of fiction, poetry, drama, and nonfiction prose, which were originally published as part of Heinemann’s African Writers Series (1962-2003), as well as a wealth of contemporary works published since then. It is a rich and extensive representation of modern African literature.
Compilation of information on non-human primates worldwide. Requires the use of Microsoft’s Silverlight (free) which works in Firefox, Explorer and Safari only, and the browser’s pop-up blocker must be turned off.
Full-text of alternative and independent newspapers, magazines and newsletters, beginning 1995. Updated monthly.
Chronicles the evolution of American history, culture and daily life from 1690 to 1922. It includes almost 1400 publications.
Early American newspapers, often printed by small-town printers, documented the daily life of hundreds of diverse American communities, supported different political parties and recorded both majority and minority views. -
Indexes and abstracts to journal articles, books and dissertations on the history of the United States and Canada. The citations are from 1964 to present, and the database is updated monthly.
Full-text of 25 journals of the American Chemical Society.
Electronic access to the print index, Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities.
Full-text of the AIP journals to which we subscribe.
Audio database of music from America’s past.
Full-text of APS journals to which we subscribe.
Annual international index covering all aspects of Greco-Roman antiquity from Prehistory to 800 A.D. Coverage begins with 1969. Subjects include Greek and Roman history, literature, art, philosophy, archaeology, religion, law, music, science and more.
Annual Reviews in the sciences and social sciences.
Primary source database of original fieldwork from prominent ethnographers.
Important texts in anthropology including ethnographies, field notes, memoirs and previously unpublished material from archives.
Combined indexes on anthropology, archaeology and related interdisciplinary research from Harvard's Tozzer Library and the Royal Anthropological Institute.
Searchable digital database of American Anthropological Association journals.
Full text articles from 42 journals published by the American Psychological Association and allied organizations, from 1985 to present.
Full text of APA ebooks published 2008 – 2019.
Indexes and abstracts journal articles and book chapters in the field of psychology, 1887 to present. Has links to the full text of PsychArticles.
This resource is provided by the American Psychological Association. More formatting guidelines for APA Style can be found at Excelsior College's Online Writing Lab.
Full-text resource for coverage of the research and development of the applied sciences and computing disciplines with coverage back to 1913.
Index, with abstracts, to the journal literature supporting the caring profession - health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations and education.
These archives offer a range of content for the region, providing opportunities for research into issues and events in contemporary Latin American and Caribbean history, as well as historical perspective back to the colonial period. Coverage extends from the 15th to 20th century, providing information about the indigenous peoples of the region, the Conquest (la Conquista), colonial rule, religion, struggles for independence, and political, economic, and social progress and issues in newly independent nations.
An archive of documents chronicling the LGBTQ experience in the 2nd half of the twentieth century. It includes newsletters, newspapers and periodicals, archives from LGBTQ rights organizations worldwide, government and medical responses to the AIDS crisis and more.
Index to articles in journals, museum bulletins and yearbooks on fine and applied arts, including architecture and archaeology; also indexes art reproductions appearing in periodicals. The majority of the articles are in English but some European languages are included.
Index to articles in journals, museum bulletins and yearbooks on fine and applied arts, including architecture and archaeology; also indexes art reproductions appearing in periodicals. The majority of the articles are in English but some European languages are included.
Multidisciplinary index to research journals in the arts and humanities, including television and radio. 1975 to present.
The Artstor platform is retired as of August 1, 2024. All Artstor content is now available on JSTOR. The linked text above will take you to the JSTOR Images search page.
Index compiled by the American Theological Library Association to books and periodicals covering all aspects of religion and related topics.
A collection of databases on audit, regulatory, and disclosure intelligence that provides detailed research on over 150,000 active audits and more than 10,000 accounting firms.
*User registration required for access. Registration request will be reviewed and verified within one business day. -
The Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) is the world's most comprehensive bibliography of scholarly writing about the history of European and American visual arts from late antiquity to the present. This database indexes and abstracts art-related books, conference proceedings and dissertations, exhibition and dealers' catalogs, and articles from over 4,300 periodicals. Available on the Getty Website from April 1, 2010, it includes BHA records from 1990-2007 and records from RILA covering 1975-1989.
Index to locating biographies in reference sources, current and retrospective, on individuals living and deceased from every field of activity and from all over the world.
Full text biographies on approx. 220,000 people from published biographical reference works and magazines, with web links.
Index to biographies published in serials and books from 1946-1983.
Biographical information on over 500,000 people from antiquity to present, including full text of Current Biography.
More than 450,000 full text biographies including the complete full text run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine.
Open access journals from developing countries.
Over 100 open access journals in biology and medicine.
Index to life sciences and biomedical research 1926 to present.
This site is a curated selection of primary sources for teaching and learning about the struggles and triumphs of Black Americans from slavery and the abolitionist movement to contemporary times.
Writings, speeches, and interviews written by leaders within the black community from earliest times to 1975.
Index to book reviews in periodicals from 1983 to present. Includes some full-text, some abstracts and some excerpts.
Index to book reviews in periodicals from 1908-1982. Includes some full-text, some abstracts and some excerpts.
Index to more than 5 million book reviews published 1965 to present.
Full text of selected titles in nursing and allied health sciences.
Historical background (text, images, video) on more than 30 key worldwide border areas.
College-level reference source of multiple medias, including definitions, pronunciations, illustrations, articles and news.
19 HD productions of Broadway and Broadway caliber productions, from Shakespeare to contemporary playwrights.
A different approach to accessing scholarly journals, Browzine lets you browse, read and save journals on your phone, tablet or computer.
Federal statistics about crime. Has links to FBI Uniform Crime Reports and Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics.
International business intelligence including topic overviews, interactive rankings and statistics, global histories, market share reports, videos interviews and more.
Full text of over 2800 scholarly journals in business, economics, accounting and management. Includes company profiles; updated daily.
This resource allows the simultaneous searching of all Cambridge databases to which Hunter College subscribes. Make sure to check the box next to "Only search content I have access to" to limit your search to Hunter College's subscribed materials.
All Hunter-subscribed Cambridge resources are discoverable in CUNY Onesearch.
First published in 1902, Cambridge Histories has over 300 volumes spanning fifteen subject areas across the humanities and social sciences, with a concentration on political and cultural history, literature, philosophy, religious studies, music and the arts.
Fiction and poetry from the Caribbean region of the 19th and 20th centuries in the original language.
Population, housing, economic and geographic data from the Census Bureau.
Industry leading tool for tax and accounting research.
Open access peer reviewed journal articles in chemistry.
Completely searchable and easy to use, The Chicago Manual of Style Online provides recommendations on editorial style and publishing practices for the digital age. Now offering the full contents of the 17th and 16th editions, it is the must-have reference for everyone who works with words.
Online version of Choice Reviews, the Association of College and Research Libraries review journal for current academic books and electronic resources.
Online version of the Chronicle of Higher Education.
A digital library of modern international history. It includes more than 800,000 pages of original documents, produced between 1874 and 1965, ranging from Winston S. Churchill’s personal correspondence to his official exchanges with kings, presidents, politicians, and military leaders. Complementing the core content, the Churchill Archive offers a range of additional materials, including pedagogical resources and secondary materials.
Concise background information on nations, updated periodically.
Full-text source for theory and research in international affairs from Columbia University Press. 1991 - present; updated bi-weekly.
Comprehensive source for nursing and allied health journals with extensive full text.
Digitized documents from the NY Historical Society chronicling all aspects of the American Civil War
Hundreds of hours of classical music performances and masterpieces on video.
An online classical music collection of more than 10,000 tracks.
Comprehensive video resource for the study of music. Includes 200 operas and 75 dance titles.
Classical Scores Library I,II, III, and IV provide online access to hundreds of thousands of pages of scores, many with associated audio tracks in Classical Music Library.
Full-text of four databases important to evidence based medicine.
Comprehensive index to communications and mass media, formed by the merger of CommSearch and Mass Media Articles Index, plus additional material. Most citations have abstracts, and there is full text for over 200 journals.
- is the official website for U.S. federal legislative information. It is presented by the Library of Congress (LOC) using data from the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Office of the Secretary of the Senate, the Government Publishing Office, Congressional Budget Office, and the LOC's Congressional Research Service.
Supports women’s studies with literature from the mainstream press, the alternative press and gray literature. Included works are written in English but global in coverage.
Audio database of music from all regions of every continent.
Actual transcripts of counseling and therapy sessions comprising over 2,000 sessions.
Transcripts of counseling and therapy sessions from 2012 and later.
Streaming videos to support social work, psychotherapy, psychiatry and counseling.
Description and analysis of the political, economic social and national security systems and institutions of over 100 countries.
Weekly publication on current newsworthy social issues. Coverage is 1991 to present.
Whether studying to become a lawyer or law enforcement officer, paralegal, or for a career in Homeland Security, this collection rises to the challenge. Users will have access to 150 journals
Over 12,000 dissertations written at the Graduate Center during this date range. A CUNY barcode is required for access.
Tables of content, abstracts and bibliographic information for the most recently published issues of leading scholarly journals and websites.
Hundreds of hours of dance productions and documentaries.
A single source of data discovery for the sciences, social sciences and arts and humanities.
Patent searching of inventions in chemical, electrical, electronic and mechanical engineering.
Provides information on authors and their works, while placing writers in the larger perspective of literary history.
Portal to digital content held at the nations' archives, libraries, museums and other cultural heritage organizations.
Over 900 full productions and education resources directly related to the theater.
Searchable database of free, full text scholarly journals.
150,000 pages of primary sources, supporting documents, and videos on the history of disability and disability studies, with emphasis on the disability rights movement.
Abstracts of dissertations and theses from institutions in North America and Europe.
Online version of the DSM-5-TR (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and the Manual of Differential Diagnosis
Full text journals from Duke University Press.
An international index to scholarly journals and collected works published in many languages on topics of classical, early Christian, Byzantine, early Medieval, and ancient Middle Eastern art and archaeology. Indexing with citations only.
Early English Books Online (EEBO) contains digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473-1700.
The site for thousands of ebooks on all topics from this vendor. It includes the collection formerly known as Ebrary Academic Collection.
List of all EBSCO databases.
A selected collection of ebooks (formerly NetLibrary).
Up-to-date bibliographic information, including indexing and pricing, on nearly 250,000 serial titles and contact information for over 100,000 serial publishers.
The American Economic Association’s index to journals, books, papers and dissertations in every area related to economics from 1969 to present, with links to full-text.
Complete facsimile edition of The Economist, fully searchable.
Streaming videos developed for training teachers.
Full-text resource for education, containing more than 1,700 full-text journals with coverage back to 1929.
Data from several National Center for Education Statistics sources; includes The Condition of Education and The Digest of Education Statistics.
A vast eighteenth-century library of a fully text-searchable corpus of books, pamphlets and broadsides in all subjects printed between 1701 and 1800. (Gale Primary Sources)
Database which offers full-text of over 600 journals and abstracts from over 5,000 more. A key feature of the system is the ability to search across journal content regardless of publisher.
Full-text of over 3,000 articles across the life sciences with over 6,000 figures including photographs, tables and illustrations; hyper-links, and regular updates.
Full-text of more than 130 journals from Emerald Group Publishing in the fields of management, marketing, human resources and library science.
Continuously updated version of the Encyclopedia of Social Work.
Annotated collection of primary documents on British history covering 500-1914.
Supports study of the environment, energy, sustainability and natural resources through news, background information, video, commentaries, statistics, and primary source documents.
A collection of over 800 journals and 6 subject specific Delmar reference titles provide robust coverage of environmental issues and policies, including diverse perspectives from the scientific community, governmental policy makers, as well as corporate interests.
Huge database of citations to journal articles and reports, 1966-2004 from the Dept. of Education. The reports (ERIC documents) issued 1993-2004 are available full text.
Index, with abstracts, to journal articles and ERIC documents from the Educational Resource Information Center; with links to full-text, from 1966 to present.
An index to essays and articles in collections and miscellaneous works from 1985 to present.
An index to essays and articles in collections and miscellaneous works from 1900 to 1983.
This full-text database covers the culture, traditions, social treatment and lived experiences of different ethnic groups in America. It provides full text from a growing list of sources including peer-reviewed journals, magazines, e-books, biographies and primary source documents.
Full-text of American newspapers and magazines from the ethnic, minority and Native press. Available in both English and Spanish.
2,000 hours of previously unpublished field recordings from around the world.
Streaming video of classic and contemporary ethnographic documentaries.
Portal to digital content held in Europe’s archives, libraries, museums and other cultural heritage organizations.
The search engine for finding statistics from over 100 federal agencies.
Documentaries from such producers as Filmakers Library, First Run Pictures, BBS and Zeitgeist. Subjects range across the curriculum.
Financial Times (FT) is an international daily newspaper. It covers many topics including management, finance, the legal industry, politics, climate change and more. Newsletters and apps are included.
Users can sign up for their complimentary membership by visiting
- Click on “Get Started.”
- Create an account using your Hunter email address and follow the prompts.
- Your Hunter username and password can be used for remote access and to access FT apps.Some “how to” videos from FT:
How to search for content on
How to share articles and create reading lists
How to write a top-notch CV
How to succeed at interviews -
To access, create an account using your Hunter email address.
Virtual tours of historically-accurate reconstructions of sites like ancient Rome, Greece, and Egypt. -
To access create account using your Hunter College email address.
Select any collection on the Floor Plan and then any model. At the top, click on “To view the interactive 3D model, please login.”
Virtual Museum is a collection of over 750 interactive 3D models of classical sculpture digitized from museums across the US and in Europe. Each piece is a fully interactive 3D model and also includes full metadata, including the original source, supplementary materials, and dimensions. The collection includes scans of existing pieces from the site, as well as restored versions using the latest scientific research. -
Website of Foreign Policy magazine, which covers global affairs.
Database for grant seekers with information on thousands of the largest private and community foundations, updated weekly.
FSTA (Food, Science and Technology Abstracts) is a database of information on food science, food technology, nutrition, and food safety.
Online encyclopedia with 25,000 entries.
List of all Gale databases.
Answer the age-old question, 'What do I read next?' Search and match reading interests to books, authors, genres, or topics.
Learn how to start, finance, or manage your small business. Includes sample business plans, how to guides, articles, and more.
The full text of hundreds of reference books. Alternate access via CUNY login credentials
Innovative learning aid that allows students to examine virtual 3D dissections.
Access a wide selection of state-specific (and multi-state) legal forms and resources across the most popular legal areas.
Gale’s integrated research platform for their literary resources. It searches multiple literature databases at once with workflow tools to analyze information.
The online version of these Gale series from 2007 forward: Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism, Contemporary Literary Criticism, Literature Criticism 1400-1700, Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism, Poetry Criticism, Shakespearean Literature Criticism, Short Story Criticism; also Drama Criticism (all volumes).
Full text database of literary criticism, and bibliographies and biographies of major writers, with links to other web resources.
Provides access to more than 3,000 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. It also includes thousands of images, radio, and TV broadcasts and transcripts. Alternate access via CUNY login credentials
Search authoritative periodical content covering topics like organizational dynamics, adult learning, and more. Updated daily.
Gale's integrated research platform for their primary resources. It searches multiple primary source databases at once with workflow tools to analyze information.
The full text of hundreds of reference books. Alternate access via CUNY login credentials
Online resource to music research of all the world’s peoples.
Research and analysis on the global information technology industry; includes research papers on best practices and emerging industries and technologies.
You will need to use your CUNY Login credentials to use this resource: CUNY Login FAQs
Digitized documents from the NY Historical Society that track the activities of inhabitants, including residential and business directories, organization records and urban guidebooks.
This collection of journals aims to provide balanced coverage of this significant aspect of our culture, covering such topics as gender studies, family and marital issues, health aspects, and many more.
Full-text periodical articles that focus on how gender impacts on a broad spectrum of subject areas.
Very large periodical database. Includes newspapers, journals, magazines and more, going back 30 years.
Science articles for students and the general public; full text from 1994 forward; indexing with abstracts from 1984 forward.
Comprehensive geoscience literature coverage, including topics like climatology, hydrology, natural disasters, and more.
Supports global awareness and perspective through international news and journal content, topics and issue pages and exclusive commentaries. Cross-searchable with Opposing Viewpoints in Context.
Official information on all three branches of the federal government.
Database of grant opportunities from 9,000 sources. Users must set up individual accounts on their CUNY email addresses.
Formerly known as Foundation Grants to Individuals. Funding research tool for finding foundation support for individual grantseekers such as students, artists and researchers.
Bibliographic database about environmental concerns from scholarly and general interest publications and government documents.
The electronic version of Grove's multi-volume art encyclopedia and other Oxford art reference works, with hyperlinks.
The electronic version of Grove's multi-volume music encyclopedia and other Oxford music reference works, with hyperlinks.
General health content (reference, news, journals and multimedia) that is timely and reliable.
Journal articles and clinical and consumer health publications (some in full text) on a variety of health and medical topics; also provides definitions, overviews, book excerpts, pamphlets.
Bibliographic database of information on behavioral measurement instruments.
Articles from hundreds of full-text journals, books, magazines and trade publications on health care access and delivery, administration, economics, planning and quality.
Nearly 600 scholarly full text journals in many nursing and medical disciplines; also indexing and abstracting for 615 more; updated daily.
Government document and legal research database including U. S. statutory material, U.S Congressional documents, scholarly journals, constitutions and treatises.
Large archive of free full text science articles from journals published online with the assistance of Highwire Press.
Index to journal articles about Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Mexico, Brazil, and Hispanics/Latinos in the United States.
Indexes and abstracts to journal articles in the history of the world covering 1450 to present, excluding the United States and Canada, from journals published 1954 to present.
Electronic version of Cambridge University Press's Historical Statistics of the United States(Millenial edition) with the ability to search, navigate, graph and download data.
Innovative learning aid that allows students to examine virtual 3D dissections.
Primary and secondary material (books, documents and video) concerning major human rights violations worldwide from 1900 to 2010.
Resource to worldwide content on all aspects of the humanities in more than 1,450 full-text journals back to 1907.
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research maintains an archive of social science data available in a collection of machine readable data files.
Digital resource to scientific and technical information in over 160 journals, 1,200 conference proceedings, more than 1,000 ebooks, 3,800 technical standards and more.
International Financial Statistics Online Service database contains time series data for more than 200 countries and areas. 5 users.
The Illustrated London News 1842-2003.
Data on population, immigration, socio-economic indicators, births and deaths and more from the 1980-2000 census, and from other federal, state and community agencies.
Archive of index to papers in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, computing and control engineering.
The links to all journals to which CUNY’s participating campuses have full-text privileges.
Over 3 million bibliographic references to journal articles and to books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. Broad coverage of international material including 100 languages and countries.
Full-text articles, news feeds, reports, books and summaries covering security and threat analysis.
Searchable full text of 6 18th and 19th century journals, maintained by U.K. libraries.
Jacob’s Pillow Dance Stream is a growing collection of full-length dance videos from the Jacob’s Pillow Archives. It includes contemporary, ballet, tap, and traditional forms of dance, as well as in-depth interviews with artists and experts in the dance field.
Comprehensive collection of streaming jazz.
Statistical measurement of a journal's impact and influence based on citation data.
Pub Med indexed, peer-reviewed video journal of research in the life sciences.
Pub Med indexed, peer-reviewed video journal of research in chemistry.
Pub Med indexed, peer-reviewed video journal of research in the life sciences.
Pub Med indexed, peer-reviewed video journal of research in the life sciences.
JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. Explore a wide range of scholarly content through a powerful research and teaching platform. (Current journals are not entered into the database for two to five years.)
As of August 1, 2024, all image content formerly on Artstor is available on JSTOR. Select the Images tab to limit a search to images only.
Primary source collections currently available on JSTOR are multidisciplinary and discipline-specific and include select monographs, pamphlets, manuscripts, letters, oral histories, government documents, images, 3D models, spatial data, type specimens, drawings, paintings, and more.
Streaming video of Kanopy films which have been licensed for curricular support. Faculty requesting that films be added to Kanopy must use their Hunter email and list the relevant course(s). Licenses are annual so content may vary depending on the subscription period.
*If you are having trouble streaming Kanopy films in Google Chrome, please use another browser (Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer)
Database designed for young researchers in K – grade 5.
LACLI Is a repository of free online e-resources with Latin American, Caribbean, U.S Latinx, and Iberian content. It is a great tool for finding a large variety of resources such as audiovisual materials, e-books, and digital primary sources. LACLI is managed by the Latin American Northeast Libraries Network (LANE).
News source in English about Latin America, updated weekly. Subscription is to the current news bulletins and the archives.
Full-text source for information on current issues, studies, thoughts and trends of the legal world with coverage back to 1908.
Indexing for more than 1200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, Bar Association journals, and international law journals.
Full text database of newspapers and other news sources; legal information including U.S. Code, state laws and reviews; business news and company financial information; medical abstracts, biographical information and country and state profiles.
An archive of documents chronicling the LGBTQ experience in the 2nd half of the twentieth century. It includes newsletters, newspapers and periodicals, archives from LGBTQ rights organizations worldwide, government and medical responses to the AIDS crisis and more.
Index with full text of the most important and scholarly LGBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers as well as more than 150 books.
Resource for librarians and researchers in the fields of library and information science with coverage back to 1905.
LISTA indexes more than 700 journals in the field, plus books, research reports and proceedings, going back to the 1960’s.
Fully searchable digital archive of Life Magazine from Nov. 1936 to May 2000 including illustrations and advertisements.
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts indexes and abstracts journals and other publications in disciplines concerned with the nature and use of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics.
Index to locating literature, internationally and from all time periods, with the full-text of thousands of poems, short stories, essays, speeches and plays. Also includes biographies, work summaries and a glossary.
Online version of the entire collection of Loeb Classics in print.
Full text of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins nursing and allied health journals and e-books
Parts 1 and 2: 62,400 works tracing the development of the modern world through trade and wealth.
General database designed for public libraries with full-text. In addition to magazines, it includes primary source documents, biographies, illustrations and reference book excerpts.
The American Mathematical Society’s online database which provides indexing to the world’s mathematical literature with abstracts from 1940 to present; updated daily.
A non-profit initiative dedicated to digitizing collections of classic media periodicals that belong in the public domain for full public access.
Over 3,000 pages of medieval sources, annotated and edited.
Comprehensive journal index from the National Library of Medicine to over 4,600 biomedical journals.
Comprehensive journal index from the National Library of Medicine to over 4,600 biomedical journals.
The most recent descriptive information and critical review of new and revised tests from the Buros Institutes 9th - 14th Yearbooks.
Full text online edition of the Merck Manual.
More than 600 Metropolitan Opera performances.
Index, with some full text and some abstracts, of hundreds of journals, magazines and pamphlets, concerning current news pertaining to the military.
Index to literary criticism and linguistic research in journals, books and dissertations worldwide from 1963 to present.
Writing resources from the Modern Language Association.
Morgan and Claypool books from the Synthesis lecture series.
All of the music, dance, theater and film products from Alexander Street searchable on one platform.
Index of journal articles covering popular and classical music; subjects include book and record reviews and first performances.
Every page and photograph of the National Geographic magazine from 1888-2015, fully searchable.
Comprehensive collection of classical music offering over 705,700 tracks of Classical music, Jazz, World, Folk and Chinese music.
New Pauly is a modern reference work for the ancient world. There is a section on Greco-Roman antiquity which covers more than 2,000 years of history. The section on the Classical Tradition is concerned with the aftermath of antiquity.
The New York Times with indexing and full text, 1985 to the present.
Full text of the New York Times from June 1, 1980 to present.
If you are looking for access, that information can be found here:
The historical New York Times from Proquest has digitally reproduced every page from every issue of The New York Times from 1851 to 2001. The full text of the paper is completely searchable due to underlying ASCII text. The results include all graphics and links to continuations on other pages.
Nexis Uni features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis - including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790 - with an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.
The collections are available through a modular topic-specific format of archives representing the vast changes that occurred during the nineteenth century. Interdisciplinary in scope. (Gale Primary Sources)
A digital sheet music subscription service that provides access to tens of thousands of scores from over 100 publishers including Boosey & Hawkes, Bärenreiter, Breitkopf & Härtel and Ricordi. It can be accessed via app on your phone, tablet, or desktop.
The link is the same as during the trial period, so all those that registered during the trial just need to log back in.
nkoda set-up instructions:
- Open this link and click “Get Started,” followed by “Sign up via email.” Enter your details and click “Sign Up.”
- If you're at the appropriate location or network, you'll receive a prompt to "Continue as a member of Hunter College." Click "Yes."
- A banner at the top of your screen will indicate "You are signed in as a member of Hunter College." This confirms you have successfully completed the process.
- With your registration complete, you can now log in and access the app from any device, platform, or location, authenticated as a member of Hunter College.
If you have trouble signing up, contact Lisa Finder
You can access tutorials of nkoda here -
Created by John Jay faculty and students – NESRI is a searchable compilation of records that identify individual enslaved persons and enslavers in the states of New York, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Jersey. NESRI indexes census records, slave trade transactions, cemetery records, birth certifications, manumissions, ship inventories, newspaper accounts, private narratives, legal documents, and many other sources.
Access to academic journals and other reference content concerning all aspects of the nursing profession.
Journal, reference and media content to support two year nursing programs.
This is a new collection of regularly updated demonstration and training videos to help nursing students and professionals improve their clinical skills.
Internet-based diet and professional practice manual for registered dieticians, dietetic technicians, and allied health professionals.
The NCP is intended to improve the consistency and quality of nutrition care and the predictability of outcomes.
NYC Open Data is a collection of data sets generated by New York City agencies and updated regularly. In addition to scholarship, data can be used inthe development of mobile applications ("apps"). Users can search for a particular data set, or browse by category.
Wide-ranging statistical and factual information about New York City from Baruch's Weissman Center for International Business.
Published biennially by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it describes various careers: prospects, training and education, working conditions, wages etc.
Full text of over 20,000 free online books, maintained by the Univ. of Pennsylvania.
This searchable publishers site pull together journals from the American Institute of Physics, the American Physics Society, the Acoustical Society of America, and the Optical Society of America.
Free search tool that searches only freely accessible electronic theses and dissertations.
A project of the non-profit Internet Archive, the Open Library provides electronic access to more than 3M books. Books in the public domain are available for download, and modern books can be borrowed via controlled digital lending.
Open network of digital resources for the study of music from Alexander Street; links to their products and open digital resources.
Hundreds of hours of opera performance through staged productions, interviews and documentaries.
Full text articles from magazines and newspapers representing pros and con opinions on controversial topics and current events.
Journals from the Optical Society of America.
Full text of books on the Ovid platform.
Full text of journals on the Ovid platform.
Articles, primary sources, images, maps and charts from Oxford University Press reference sources pertaining to African-American history and culture.
The electronic version of Grove's multi-volume art encyclopedia and other Oxford art reference works, with hyperlinks.
Full text, fully searchable version of the OED, with 1000 new entries, updated quarterly.
Full text of selected Oxford handbooks.
The electronic version of Grove's multi-volume music encyclopedia and other Oxford music reference works, with hyperlinks.
Full text of over 100 of the Oxford reference works on a variety of subjects.
Index to journals, books, proceedings and other sources on the public and social policy literature of business, economics, finance, law, international relations, public administration, government, political science and other social sciences. Archive covers 1915-1976; International covers 1977-present.
PEDro is a free database of over 27,000 randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. For each trial, review or guideline, PEDro provides the citation details, the abstract and a link to the full text, where possible.
Psychoanalytic library of journals, books and videos.
All aspects of theater production design; text and instructional video.
Major archive of backfiles of journals in the humanities and social sciences. Foundation Collections 1,2 and 3 included.
Digital library of the ancient world including texts from the classical world and the renaissance.
Search thousands of college and graduate schools, identify scholarships, take practice tests, create resumes, and explore careers. Please create a free account in order to access tests and other career materials.
The major indexing source for scholarly research in philosophy.
Citations and abstracts to the published literature concerning PTSD, sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs.
Find funding information including grants, fellowships and internships in all academic disciplines.
Peer-reviewed, open-access journals published by the non-profit Public Library of Science.
Compilation of more than 14,000 surveys conducted by more than 700 polling organizations in the U.S. and worldwide, from 1986 on.
Hundreds of thousands of tracks from major genres in pop music from around the world.
Full-text collection of education journal articles designed for the professional educator.
An online collection of full text journals published by Johns Hopkins University Press and other university presses.
The site for thousands of ebooks on all topics from this vendor. It includes the collection formerly known as Ebrary Academic Collection.
Current: Alt-PressWatch, Ethnic NewsWatch, Gender Watch, National Newspaper Core.
Proquest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Tribune, LA Times, NY Amsterdam News, NY Times, Washington Post. -
A collection of databases in the social sciences, including PAIS, Sociological Abstracts, Intl. Bibliography of the Social Sciences and more, and full text coverage of journal articles. The contents can be searched individually or as a group.
Full text articles from 42 journals published by the American Psychological Association and allied organizations, from 1985 to present.
Streaming video and audio of original experiments plus 40,000 pages of primary source documents.
Indexes and abstracts journal articles and book chapters in the field of psychology, 1887 to present. Has links to the full text of PsychArticles.
The search engine for the National Library of Medicine’s database of citations to millions of articles in thousands of biomedical journals.
Comprehensive general index to popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States and Canada, 1890-1982.
Comprehensive database of general interest periodicals, 1983 to present, with full text from 1994 forward.
Full text coverage for regional business publications, updated daily.
Digitized orderly books from the NY Historical Socieity spanning 1748-1817
Worldwide bibliography of music literature from 1967 to present from scholarly journals, books, proceedings, dissertations, catalogs, reviews and other publications, with over a million pages of full text content.
Primary and secondary sources on the history of feminism 1776-1928.
Video and audio documenting contemporary theatrical performances, including excerpts from and full-length productions, masterclasses, and interviews.
Full text of the Sage journals covering business, humanities, social sciences, science, technology and medicine.
Full text of Sage reference books.
Multidisciplinary index to research journals in the sciences, including medicine, engineering, mathematics and statistics and behavioral sciences. 1900 to present.
Integrates authoritative scientific reference content with headlines and videos to demonstrate how science relates to the real world. Includes images, experiments and videos.
Full text access to the long list of Elsevier Science and Academic Ideal journals available through the CUNY consortium.
Index to the literature of chemistry and the electronic version of Chemical Abstracts. Before using for the first time, you must register for a SciFinder account with your Hunter College email address.
Click to create your own SciFinder account - Must use your Hunter email account to register. You will then receive an email with further instructions.
Seventeenth and Eighteenth century English news media available from the British Library. The collection includes more than 1,000 pamphlets, proclamations, newsbooks and newspapers from the period. (Gale Primary Sources)
Full text access to the accelerated electronic version of the SIAM titles that we have access to.
Historical archive devoted to the scholarly study and understanding of slavery from a multinational perspective.
Collection of legal materials on slavery in the English-speaking world.
An aural encyclopedia of the world’s music traditions, produced in partnership with Smithsonian Folkways Recordings.
Demographic information about the United States from 1790-2018 through interactive maps and data reports.
Multidisciplinary index to research journals in the social sciences, including nursing and geography. 1900 to present.
Journal articles covering applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences; full text from 1994 forward; indexing with abstracts from 1984 forward.
Index to journals in the social sciences 1929-1983.
Database covering the literature of social work and welfare, human services, social policy and community development.
The National Association of Social Workers’s bibliography of social work and related literature, from 1977 to present.
Comprehensive sociological research database. Indexes, abstracts and some full text of journal articles, books and conference papers, 1895 - present.
Index of and abstracts to the international literature of sociology and related disciplines.
Index to the literature on physical education and sport, including dance, fitness, biomechanics and physical therapy.
Full text of the Springer journals available through the CUNY consortium, and Hunter's collection of Springer ebooks. Green icon next to title indicates that we have access to a book or journal.
Data aggregator providing over 1million statistics from over 18,000 sources.
Online version of the annual federal collection of data on social and economic conditions in the United States.
ProQuest’s version of the digitized federal collection of data on social and economic conditions in the U.S., current year and historical.
The Sunday Times, 1822-2006.
Swank Digital Campus provides streaming access to feature films and documentaries licensed for campus viewing. Content varies as licenses are annual and may be rotated.
For the professional educator, abstracts of over 280 of the most popular teacher and administrator trade journals.
The most recent descriptive information and critical review of new and revised tests from the Buros Institutes 9th - 14th Yearbooks.
Thousands of examples of the world’s music, dance and other expressive behavior. All of the data and many of the analyses of research into the expressive arts carried out under the direction of Alan Lomax and the anthropologist Conrad Arensberg from 1960 to 1995 at Columbia University and Hunter College.
Videos of definitive performances covering 20th century theater history.
From the Library of Congress, and official source of federal legislative information. Now CONGRESS.GOV
Industry leading tool for tax and accounting research.
The Times of London from 1785 to 2014.
The Times Literary Supplement 1902-2010.
Supports American history studies through periodical articles, topic and event overviews, biographies and multi-media. Cross-searchable with World History in Context.
Full text of the New York Times 1980 to current; Wall Street Journal 1984 to current; Wall Street Journal Online 2010 to current; Los Angeles Times 1985 to current; Washington Post 1987 to current.
Abstracts from journal articles, legislative groups, research institutions and public agencies on all aspects of urban studies, from Sage.
Brief, authoritative introductions to a variety of topics from Oxford University Press.
Full text of the Wall Street Journal from Jan. 2, 1984 to present.
* If you are looking for access, that information can be found here:
Washington Post 1877-2000.
Enormous index to scholarly journals in all disciplines. Includes Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index from the first issue to the present. Provides the ability to search on cited references as well as more typical search criteria.
WRDS offers powerful analytics to work with data from Compustat and CRSP (as of 3/20/23).
For One-Day pass enter your myhunter or address to be emailed a unique link to WRDS.
To register for an account (using your myhunter or email address), click "Register" (top right) on the WRDS landing page.
Please note that we are currently providing access for one year from time of request. If needed, you can request an extention on or near expiration date. -
Up to date information on your city, state, and federal representatives from the League of Women Voters of the City of New York.
Platform for the Wiley journals and ebooks to which Hunter users have access.
Documents pertaining to the history of women in social movements in the U.S. between 1600 and 2000.
Full text resource for thousands of World Bank publications including books (since 2009), World Development Reports (since 1978), working papers and journal articles.
World Bank's annual data on the world economy, with more than 800 indicators for 153 economies.
Guide to WHO’s health related information including health-related statistics.
Supports world history studies through primary sources, multimedia content and reference sources. Cross-searchable with U.S. History in Context.
Database of Shakespeare-related scholarship and theatrical productions 1960-present.
Bibliographic catalog of books, periodicals, cd-roms, videos, archival materials and photographs published worldwide.
Abstracts and indexes the international serials literature in political science and its complementary fields including international relations, law, public administration and policy, from 1975 to present.
World’s oldest continuing database of animal biology and taxonomic reference on the Web of Knowledge platform.