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Parts 1 and 2: 62,400 works tracing the development of the modern world through trade and wealth.
General database designed for public libraries with full-text. In addition to magazines, it includes primary source documents, biographies, illustrations and reference book excerpts.
The American Mathematical Society’s online database which provides indexing to the world’s mathematical literature with abstracts from 1940 to present; updated daily.
A non-profit initiative dedicated to digitizing collections of classic media periodicals that belong in the public domain for full public access.
Over 3,000 pages of medieval sources, annotated and edited.
Comprehensive journal index from the National Library of Medicine to over 4,600 biomedical journals.
Comprehensive journal index from the National Library of Medicine to over 4,600 biomedical journals.
The most recent descriptive information and critical review of new and revised tests from the Buros Institutes 9th - 14th Yearbooks.
Full text online edition of the Merck Manual.
More than 600 Metropolitan Opera performances.
Index, with some full text and some abstracts, of hundreds of journals, magazines and pamphlets, concerning current news pertaining to the military.
Index to literary criticism and linguistic research in journals, books and dissertations worldwide from 1963 to present.
Writing resources from the Modern Language Association.
Morgan and Claypool books from the Synthesis lecture series.
All of the music, dance, theater and film products from Alexander Street searchable on one platform.
Index of journal articles covering popular and classical music; subjects include book and record reviews and first performances.