Circulation FAQ/Policies

You are welcome to mail books borrowed from Hunter College Libraries to:
Hunter College Libraries East Building
695 Park Avenue New York, NY 10065
Attn: Circulation Department
An email confirmation with a copy of the mailing receipt should be sent to: Ms. Meshaw Browne,, Circulation Manager, Hunter College Libraries.

Who May Borrow
How Many Books Can I Borrow
Loan Periods and Renewals
Fines and Replacement Costs
CLICS Lost Books and Fines
Library Blocks
Search Requests and Holds
Lost/Stolen ID Cards
CUNY Courtesy Services
Students with Disabilities
Security System
Circulation Desk Hours

Who May Borrow

  • CUNY students
  • CUNY faculty
  • Hunter College *Alumni
  • Hunter College retired faculty
  • Empire State students and faculty
  • Hunter High School students, with permission of the Hunter High School librarian
  • Hunter College IELI (International English Language Institute) students

* Alumni access to Hunter College Libraries is currently managed through the Alumni Office. (212-772-4087;


Register for borrowing privileges at the Circulation Desk at the Main Library, the Health Professions Library or the Schools of Social Work and Public Health Library.

How Many Books Can I Borrow

There is a limit of ten (10) books per day, with no total limit throughout the semester. *It is possible to have books with different due dates, you are responsible for when they are due.


Loan Periods and Renewals

  CUNY Undergraduates,  Graduate Students, Staff, Hunter *Alumni, Hunter High School, IELI Students, and other CUNY Retired Faculty CUNY Faculty and Doctoral Students

Hunter College Faculty and Hunter College Retired Faculty

16 weeks
2 renewals (up to 48 weeks)

16 weeks
2 renewals
(up to 48 weeks)
16 weeks
2 renewals
(up to 48 weeks)
Juvenile books
16 weeks
2 renewals (up to 48 weeks)

16 weeks
2 renewals
(up to 48 weeks)

16 weeks
2 renewals
(up to 48 weeks)

7 days
No renewals
7 days
No renewals
7 days
No renewals
Music CDs
7 days
No renewals
7 days
No renewals
7 days
No renewals
Reserve materials
2 hours
No renewals
2 hours
No renewals
2 hours
No renewals

Active loans of books borrowed before 1/31/2023 will continue circulating under the previous policy of 8 weeks with 1 renewal.  To be eligible for the extended renewal period, books borrowed before 1/31/2023 must be returned and checked out again.

**Books and materials from all Hunter libraries and other CUNY libraries can be returned at all CUNY libraries or renewed provided no holds have been placed on them and you have not reached your renewal limit. Bring the books, your CUNY ID card or the due date slips to the Circulation Desk at the Main Library, the Health Professions Library or the Schools of Social Work and Public Health Library. You may also renew books online by selecting My Account below the search field on the HC Libraries' home page and logging in with your CUNYFirst credentials. Videos, music CDs, and reserve materials cannot be renewed.

Please note: Once a Hunter library book is returned to the Hunter College Libraries there is a processing time of several days before the book can be returned to the shelf and may go back into circulation.  This provides other researchers with an opportunity to browse the collection.


Fines and Replacement Costs

Currently, all CUNY libraries will suspend regular overdue fines and recall overdue fines.


Courtesy Reminder Notice

Three days before a book is due, the libraries issue a courtesy reminder notice to inform patrons that they may return or renew their checked out material. In order to receive these notices the libraries must have your up-dated email address.  In addition the libraries offer a nine day period of grace where you will not be charged overdue fees.  On the tenth day, however, you will be charge for every day that the book been overdue, from the original due date until and including the day the book is returned.  Please note that whether or not you receive the courtesy reminder notice you are responsible for returning your material by the designated due date and for paying any over due fees and replacement charges.

Fines and the Replacement of Lost Items

The replacement cost of a lost item is the current price of the item if it is available plus a $25.00 processing fee. A $10.00 binding fee will be added if only a paperback copy is available. If the item is out of print, the replacement cost of a lost item is the current market value of the item plus a $25.00 processing fee. As mentioned above, a $10.00 binding fee may also apply. A lost book from any CUNY library must be paid for at the library of origin. CUNY faculty please note: fines and the replacement of lost items also apply to the faculty of the City University of New York. This decision is based on a 1979 Hunter College Senate resolution.

Fines can be paid by check, money order,or Hunter OneCard at the circulation desk at the Main Library, the Health Professions Library or the Schools of Social Work and Public Health Library. Cash payments can only be made at the Bursar's Office, and you must first go to one of the circulation desks to obtain a paper bill for this purpose; once you have paid the Bursar you must return the paid receipt to one of the libraries so that the fines can be cleared from your record. Overdue fines can be paid at any CUNY library following the procedures of that CUNY library.

Refund Policy for a Lost and Paid Library Book

The Hunter College Library will refund a library patron for a lost and paid library book that was paid for by cash, check or money order. This price will not reflect the current market value unless it is the same price that was paid for by the library patron when they paid for the lost book. This refund will reflect the price that the library patron paid for the lost book. The college will only honor this refund up until three months after the book has been paid for. The library patron will be paid the lost returned book price only. The CUNY processing fee of $25.00 which is paid for when the lost book was paid for is not refundable. The processing of the requested refund will take three to four weeks. The Hunter College Accounting Department will mail this refund to the library patron.

Return Replacement Copy Policy for a Lost Book

When a library patron has given the Hunter College Library a replacement copy of a lost Hunter College book and the original lost book is returned to the library, the patron can request that a copy of this book be returned to them to replace the copy that they have given to the Hunter College Library. This policy will only be honored up until three months after the original lost book is returned to the Hunter College Library. Cash refunds will not be made for replacement copies.

Hunter College CLICS Lost Books and Fines

When you borrow a book via CLICS, the renewal and overdue fine policies of the lending library -not your home campus library - apply. In the event that you lose an overdue Hunter College book that has been requested by another patron, you are responsible for making the required CLICS fines. See the Fines and Replacement Costs table above. In addition to these fines you will also be charged a book replacement charge and a processing fee. The replacement charge varies according to the current value of the lost book.

Hunter College CLICS lost book charges and accompanying CLICS Fines can only be paid at one of the Hunter College Libraries circulation service desks.

Library Blocks

Users are blocked from borrowing additional materials from all CUNY libraries if they have overdue materials and/or unpaid fines exceeding $25.00.

A library stop will be placed on a student's record with the Registrar once a bill is generated for unreturned library materials. The library stop will remain until the material is returned and the fine is paid or the replacement charges are paid.

Search Requests and Holds

If a book is not on the shelf, you may request a search to be done to locate it. Also, if a book is in circulation, you may place a hold on it. Search and hold request cards can be obtained at the Circulation Desk. When the book is located/returned, it will be held at the Circulation Desk and a notice will be sent to you.

Lost/Stolen ID Cards

If your Hunter College ID card is lost or stolen, notify the Circulation Desk immediately in order to preventing the unauthorized use of your ID card.

CUNY Courtesy Services

You may return books and pay overdue fines at the Circulation Desks at all Hunter College libraries for books borrowed at any CUNY library.

Students with Disabilities

Students with Disabilities may request assistance in retrieving library materials and making photocopies.

Security System

An electronic security control system is located at the exit of all libraries and all bags are subject to inspection when exiting.

Theft and mutilation of library materials is a serious offense. Users attempting to leave the libraries with materials that have not been properly charged and/or mutilated portions of library materials may be referred to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action.

Circulation Desk Hours

The Circulation Desk closes 15 minutes before the Main Library closes. All circulation material must be checkout before this time. Items brought to the Circulation Desk after it closes can be held at the Desk for 24 hours.

For questions or problems, contact Jocelyn Berger-Barrera, Evening/Sunday Supervisor, 212-772-4175.