Library Access

All current CUNY Students, Staff, and Faculty are allowed on the Hunter campus with a valid CUNY ID.

Alumni access to Hunter College Libraries is currently managed through the Alumni Office. (212-772-4087;

Access and borrowing privileges at the Hunter College Libraries are limited to CUNY students, faculty, staff, and alumni who have been granted access through the Alumni Office. Due to limited resources, we cannot accommodate students and faculty from other universities and colleges outside CUNY, or members of the public. We have a reciprocity arrangement only with Empire State College students and faculty, who must show valid ID from that institution. This arrangement does not extend to other SUNY campuses.

The library does however sometimes grant access to those researchers whose libraries are members of the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) and whose research needs cannot be met elsewhere.  This would afford you permission to visit the Hunter College Libraries on a limited basis and would confer on-site reading privileges only. Consult with the librarians at your college or university library or the librarians at the New York Public Library at 42nd Street and 5th Avenue.

Library Privileges
The Hunter College Libraries & CUNY subscribe to excellent sources of information not available for free on the Web. These resources can be accessed remotely by Hunter students, faculty and staff using your Hunter NetID & password. 
CLICS (CUNY Libraries Inter-Campus Services) is a service that allows you to have books delivered from almost anywhere in the CUNY library system to the Hunter campus. Refer to the CLICS page for more information.

ILL/ Interlibrary Loan: Hunter students and faculty gain access to materials, journal articles and books not owned by Hunter College or CUNY. Take a look at the Illiad page to make an ILL request online.

Laptop computers are available at the A/V desk for checkout, located at the 3rd floor of Cooperman Library and at the circulation desks of the Health Professions, Social Work, and Zabar Art Libraries. These are available to currently registered Hunter College students only. Refer to the Technology Loans page for more details.

Selected Services

  Borrowing Privileges*
Hunter Databases CLICS Hunter ILL
Laptop Loans
Hunter Students
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hunter Grad Students Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
College Now Students at Hunter
Yes On-site use only No No No
Hunter Continuing Education Students
Yes (Hunter only) On-site use only No No No
Hunter Faculty
Yes Yes Yes Yes No
CUNY Students and Faculty Yes On-site use only Yes No No
Non-CUNY Affiliates **
Yes On-site use only No No No
METRO Referrals **
No No No No No
Hunter Alumni **
Yes No No No No
Hunter High School Students Yes* No No No  

*For details see Borrowing Privileges on the Circulation FAQ/Policies page.

** For details on visitor access see the top of this page.

Library Access Guidelines

Hunter Students

Valid Hunter ID

Hunter Faculty Valid Hunter ID
Hunter Staff Valid Hunter ID
Hunter Alumni Contact the Alumni Office
Hunter IELI Students Valid IELI card (check date)
Hunter HS Students
Hunter Science HS
Valid Hunter HS ID
Valid Hunter Science HS ID
Hunter Continuing Education Students
Valid Hunter ID
College Now Students Valid Hunter ID
CUNY Students, Faculty, Staff Valid ID from other CUNY school
Alumni from Other CUNY Schools No access privileges
Empire State Students and Faculty Valid Empire State ID card
Council on Foreign Relations Pink or White card issued by Hunter College Library
Russel Sage Foundation Pink or White card issued by Hunter College Library
Non-CUNY Users Yellow or blue METRO (Metropolitian New York Library Council) card only
No access for the general public without this
Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños All users requesting use of the Centro must be admitted to that library
Guests of the Library White card issued by the Hunter College Library (check date)
Researching in the Archives By appointment only through Research Request Form

Please note that "Guests of the Library" are designated by the Librarian for Public Services. They are generally, but not exclusively, affiliates of an organization needing access for very specific research or purposes. The Library reserves the right to restrict or modify guest access.

** For details on visitor access see the top of this page.