

Did you know that you can use Google Scholar to do a broad search for sources available through Hunter College Libraries and beyond?

Follow the instructions below to set Google Scholar to recognize sources available through Hunter College Libraries and be able to link to those from the search results.


Google Scholar Menu


Next, you will go to settings. The settings option will either appear as below or as an option in the menu.

Google Scholar Settings


From there, select library links from the menu and enter Hunter College in the text field. Save!

Google Scholar library links

Now try a Google Scholar search and you'll see a >Full Text at Hunter link to the right of results available through Hunter College LIbraries. Click on the >Full Text at Hunter link to go the Hunter College Libraries site where you'll be able to select an access point to get to the source. You willl be prompted to login with your NetID and password.



Posted Thursday, March 4, 2021 - 11:40am under Google Scholar, search.

We invite you to extend beyond a one-month celebration of Black History Month for 2021 and continue to learn more about Black and African American History. To that end, here are some online resources that are available via the Hunter College Libraries - you can access them by logging in with your Hunter College NetID and password when prompted.

Streaming Video

You can find a complete list of our video databases at this link:

One resource is Kanopy Streaming. They are offering a curated list of films under the banner of Black Lives Matter, as well as a section on Race. Ethnicity, and Identity.

Titles include:

Chisholm '72: Unbought and Unbossed

Chisholm 72: unbought and unbossed title screen

Race: The Power of an Illusion

Race: The Power of an Illusion title screen

I Am Not Your Negro

I Am Not Your Negro title screen 

Posted Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - 10:10am under black history, african american history, databases.

Open Educational Resources—textbooks, courseware, and ancillary materials which can be freely used, reused, and remixed—can play an important role in pedagogy and student achievement. The Open Educational Resources (OER) LibGuide ( provides faculty with a portal to OER resources found within Hunter, the Hunter Libraries, the CUNY system, and beyond.

Opening sections provide an overview of what OERs are and what they can do, as well as highlighting OER workshops and webinars first time OER users may find helpful. Our extensive resource section includes CUNY and SUNY OER platforms and repositories, multiple OER ‘finders,’ textbook collections, journals, media, courseware, and OER materials available through a number of public institutions. In addition, discipline-specific modules highlight OER materials—from courseware and textbooks, to syllabi and lab manuals—available for use in OER and ZTC (Zero Textbook Cost) courses. The guide similarly features OER efforts undertaken by Hunter faculty, with links to resources for developing and adopting OER materials. If you’re interested in getting started with OERs, evaluating resources, or need assistance from our knowledgeable staff please check out the LibGuide and email the library’s OER office at

Posted Tuesday, February 9, 2021 - 9:19am under OER, open educational resources, course materials, zero cost.

Did you know that OneSearch provides direct Internet Archive links to the full content of 105,720 books owned by the Hunter College Libraries?  Search by keywords, such as author, words in title, subjects, and your results will show full text resources with “Available Online” links, like the following (image below of Internet Archive link to a book from the OneSearch screen):   

Clicking on the “Internet Archive – Available for Preview and Borrowing” link should take you directly to that book’s full text. You will have to create a free account with Internet Archive before you can read the book, but during a pandemic with limited access, this can be a helpful option!

Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.   Go to for more information. 

Posted Tuesday, February 2, 2021 - 9:40am under books, textbooks, onesearch, Internet Archive.

A recent column in the Chronicle of Higher Education highlights how colleges and universities battle disinformation through media and information literacy programs.

Libraries and librarians play an important role through research guides focused on citizen literacy, and courses like Hunter College Libraries Introduction to Information Research.

You can read the column through the Hunter College Libraries subscription to The Chronicle of Higher Education. Do you have any stories about disinformation? We would love to hear them!

Posted Thursday, January 21, 2021 - 4:55pm under information literacy, information research.

Hunter College Libraries is now an institutional subscriber to Covidence. This means that anyone with a Hunter College affiliated email address can obtain a Covidence account and access web-based support for systematic literature reviews by visiting this page:

Covidence’s system supports screening and data extraction for literature reviews with systematic elements such as scoping reviews, umbrella reviews, rapid reviews, and related types. Students and faculty in all of our health and social science programs are likely to find that Covidence enhances their efficiency when screening articles and classifying and extracting data from them.

Not sure what a systematic review is? Or how to incorporate Covidence or systematic review methodology you into your review? Check out our Systematic Review guide: or get in touch with John Pell ( for a consultation.

Posted Friday, January 8, 2021 - 10:19am under Covidence, literature review, systematic review, research.


Since we can't go into the Archives now, take a look at some images from Hunter College's Archives and Special Collections on fllckr.


Image credit: The Wistarion, Pg. 174-175, 1937, Archives & Special Collections, Hunter College Libraries, Hunter College of the City University of New York, New York City.

Posted Monday, December 21, 2020 - 7:30pm under Wistarion, archives, Christmas.

It's finals time and and a good time to be mindful of de-stressing tips.


The basics:

  • Eat healthy meals and snacks
  • Drink water
  • Sleep


Additional tips:

  • Manage your time
  • Exercise
  • Take breaks for calming leisure activities like coloring, knitting, meditating, playing with pets or watching cute pet videos
  • Listen to soothing music (See the Music- Audio options available through Hunter College Libraries' databases)


There are plenty of free apps for time management, yoga, meditation and coloring. YouTube has lots of free yoga videos, too.



Posted Monday, December 7, 2020 - 4:11pm under finals, stress-relief.

Do you want to employ images in your presentations? 

Do not let the name fool you, the images in Artstor extend far beyond the field of art. Studies have shown that incorporating visuals into lectures, papers, and research improves information retention and observational skills, regardless of discipline.

Check out this link for a guide to the numerous disciplines, from African American Studies to Women’s Studies, supported by the Artstor Digital Library

Choose Artsor from Hunter College Libraries’ list of image databases to get started.


 Domenico Remps. Cabinet of Curiosities. Second half of the 17th century Image: Domenico Remps. Cabinet of Curiosities. Second half of the 17th century. Image and original data provided by SCALA, Florence/ART RESOURCE, N.Y.


Posted Tuesday, November 24, 2020 - 9:34am under images, art, Artstor, databases.

Wondering how to cite your research paper in the updated, APA 7th edition format? Hunter provides access to the official APA Style Guide. To access this guide, go to the list of Hunter databases by TITLE, and select APA Style Guidelines. (If you prefer to use a different citation guide, try our link to Excelsior College’s Online Writing Lab).  

Databases Browse By menu with Titles selected and a red arrow pointing right towards APA Style Guidelines

The Style Guide provides numerous examples of how to cite journal articles, websites, and e book chapters, to name just a few.  Sample papers are also provided! 

A list of popular style guidelines from the APA Style Guidelines website

Need additional help with APA or another citation style such as MLA? The Rockowitz Writing Center is open for virtual appointments and video tutoring.   


Image from the header of this article:

Studying in the Library

The Wistarion, p. 122, 1984, Archives & Special Collections, Hunter College Libraries, Hunter College of the City University of New York, New York City.

For more information:



Posted Thursday, November 19, 2020 - 10:24am under citation, APA, APA 7th, guides, resources.
