Women and Gender Studies
Research Guides
Recommended Databases
Full-text periodical articles that focus on how gender impacts on a broad spectrum of subject areas.
The most multi-disciplinary and general full-text periodicals database. Contains the full text of approx. 3,500 journals, with indexing going back to the mid 1970's on some titles. Updated daily.
An online collection of full text journals published by Johns Hopkins University Press and other university presses.
JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. Explore a wide range of scholarly content through a powerful research and teaching platform. (Current journals are not entered into the database for two to five years.)
As of August 1, 2024, all image content formerly on Artstor is available on JSTOR. Select the Images tab to limit a search to images only.
Comprehensive sociological research database. Indexes, abstracts and some full text of journal articles, books and conference papers, 1895 - present.
Related Databases
An online collection of over 3,300 fully searchable high quality ebooks in the humanities.
An archive of documents chronicling the LGBTQ experience in the 2nd half of the twentieth century. It includes newsletters, newspapers and periodicals, archives from LGBTQ rights organizations worldwide, government and medical responses to the AIDS crisis and more.
Supports women’s studies with literature from the mainstream press, the alternative press and gray literature. Included works are written in English but global in coverage.
Portal to digital content held at the nations' archives, libraries, museums and other cultural heritage organizations.
This collection of journals aims to provide balanced coverage of this significant aspect of our culture, covering such topics as gender studies, family and marital issues, health aspects, and many more.
The Artstor platform is retired as of August 1, 2024. All Artstor content is now available on JSTOR. The linked text above will take you to the JSTOR Images search page.
An archive of documents chronicling the LGBTQ experience in the 2nd half of the twentieth century. It includes newsletters, newspapers and periodicals, archives from LGBTQ rights organizations worldwide, government and medical responses to the AIDS crisis and more.
Index with full text of the most important and scholarly LGBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers as well as more than 150 books.
A collection of databases in the social sciences, including PAIS, Sociological Abstracts, Intl. Bibliography of the Social Sciences and more, and full text coverage of journal articles. The contents can be searched individually or as a group.
Primary and secondary sources on the history of feminism 1776-1928.
Journal articles covering applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences; full text from 1994 forward; indexing with abstracts from 1984 forward.
Index to journals in the social sciences 1929-1983.
Documents pertaining to the history of women in social movements in the U.S. between 1600 and 2000.