
125th Street: Photography in Harlem (ISBN: 9783777437347)

This 2022 publication, a collaborative project of the Hunter College Art Galleries, Hunter East Harlem Gallery, and students in the Advanced Certificate in Curatorial Studies program in the Department of Art and Art History at Hunter College, New York, is an unprecedented study of Harlem’s 125th Street photography and cultural identity.  The book is edited by Antonella Pelizzari and Arden Sherman, and published by Hirmer Verlag.

Harlem’s 125th Street is a marker of twentieth-century urban experience, a thoroughfare that encapsulates powerful stories of business and consumption, real estate and gentrification, glamour and entertainment, and political uprising. This book explores the constant mutation of this street life through the works of a large roster of photographers and performance artists. The photographs in this book represent narratives of resilience and stories of survival against a rapid and sweeping movement of history across 125th Street, where buildings and communities are periodically destroyed and built anew. The works shape a sense of belonging and identity that goes against the stereotyping and mystification of this neighborhood.




Posted Monday, September 12, 2022 - 10:38am under books, Hunter College, Harlem, photography.

Posted Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 4:56pm under welcome, about, quick_start_guide.


Ethnic NewsWatch is a current resource of full-text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives.

The database also contains Ethnic NewsWatch: A History, which provides historical coverage of Native American, African American, and Hispanic American periodicals from 1959-1989.

Select Ethnic NewsWatch from the Hunter College Libraries' list of newpaper databases here.

Posted Monday, May 2, 2022 - 3:42pm under newspapers, minorities, ethnicities.

If JSTOR is an important part of your research and teaching, please note the following. 


Artstor is eventually merging with JSTOR.  This link provides up-to-date information on that topic from a librarian’s perspective.  Also, to sign up for announcements about JSTOR’s latest developments, please go to this page.  Doing so is the best way to learn about upcoming training sessions focusing on the developing Artstor/JSTOR platform.

Posted Friday, March 25, 2022 - 2:44pm under JSTOR, Artstor, databases.

Need to reserve a space for group study? We have a new self-service reservation system available for some of our rooms on the 6th floor. Just scan the QR code you find next to the door, or go to this page and pick the room you want to reserve:








Available times show in green, reserved times show in red. Click on one of the green squares to select your reservation start time, then chose your end time from the drop-down menu. You can reserve the room for up to two hours at a time, up to two times per a day. Sorry, no back-to-back bookings. When you click "submit times" you will be taken to a page that shows our policies for using the rooms. From that page, Click "continue" to accept the terms of use and enter your name and email address on the next page. You will receive an email confirmation with a check in code and a link to your check-in page. When you arrive for your reserved time, scan the QR code next to the door to check in, or follow the link in your confirmation email. Checking in is important! Your reservation will be cleared if you do not check in within 30 minutes of your booking's start time.

Look for the expansion of self-service reservations in other areas of our libraries. Let us know how the reservation service is working for you by using our "Contact Us" page:




Posted Friday, January 28, 2022 - 10:58am under study spaces.

Hunter College Libraries welcomes gifts of books, manuscripts, and other materials deemed to be within the scope of its collection. Gifts are accepted which meet the collecting guidelines established to support the college teaching and research or to add core material of scholarly research interest.

We are genuinely indebted to all of our donors, who, for a century and a half have generously given books and other library materials that the librarians have subsequently vetted according to the libraries’ needs. While Hunter College welcomes gifts of materials that will significantly advance the scholarly, research, and teaching mission of the college; these works are sometimes books the library already has on the shelves, but in such cases, the donation allows the librarians to either keep the better copy or have two copies of a book where circulation warrants it. As with any library, academic or public, Hunter reserves the right to reject donations, or more likely, give away the portions of the donation that do not fill an immediate need. In fact, many colleges employ a librarian whose entire job is taking care of donations and gifts in such a manner, so great is the number of gift books. Among the gifts Hunter receives might be popular literature or coffee table books not particularly appropriate or useful to our students and faculty. When books are difficult to reconcile with the libraries’ collection policies they must be refused, or, when that is not possible, given to another library for whom the books are a better fit. Part of each subject librarian’s job is to maintain that portion of the collection pertinent to his or her subject and judge donations and gifts accordingly.

One subset of donations not discussed here are those that would be archival, which will be another blog entry. To summarize the difference the “Archives acquires, preserves and gives access to records of enduring value generated by academic departments, administrative offices, faculty, student organizations, and affiliated organizations.” What has been discussed here has been concerned with books that would enter the circulating collections.


Posted Monday, January 3, 2022 - 3:45pm under .

As researchers confront the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, some of the health sciences databases available through the Hunter College Libraries are offering special collections of literature relating to the prevention, treatment, and impact of COVID-19.  Hunter users have access to the following (NetID log-in required):

·       Wiley Online Library, Covid-19:  Novel Coronavirus Outbreak.  This site highlights newly published research as well as content from journal articles and book chapters, including Special Collections on topics ranging from the economic and social impact of Covid-19 to chemical biology and drug design. 

·       Cochrane Library, Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources.  Systematic reviews and related content relating to the pandemic, including Special Collections on topics such as infection control, prevention measures and support for wellbeing in the healthcare workforce.

·       Gale Health and Wellness, “Coronavirus.”  This topic guide gathers together results from magazines and news sources as well as academic journals, reference works, and video resources.    

Posted Wednesday, December 29, 2021 - 4:36pm under public health, health sciences.

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints is the premier online resource covering today's hottest social issues, such as global warming and climate change, immigration, marijuana, and many other topics. This cross-curricular resource supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Use of these informed, differing views helps develop critical-thinking skills.

Opposing Viewpoints is a rich resource and includes viewpoints, reference articles, infographics, news, images, video, audio, and more.

Hunter College community access provided via this Hunter College Libraries’ database page:

(scroll down for “Opposing Viewpoints”)

Posted Friday, November 12, 2021 - 3:29pm under databases.

Extra!   Extra!

Do you know that news sources can be really useful for your research projects? News sources are written for the general public, which means they can be easier to read and understand than an in-depth academic article about a topic. And news sources often report about academic research, so using news sources can be a way to gather some background information on a topic that you are just learning about before you dive into the deep end of academic and peer reviewed journals. 

At the Hunter College Libraries, we offer access to a wide array of news resources. In our Databases menu, select the “Type” filter and choose “News and Newspapers,” or just follow this link: 

The list includes historical newspapers as well as current, up-to-date news sources from mainstream and alternative media outlets. Read the descriptions and choose the best one for your needs! 

Remember that you can also claim two FREE online newspaper accounts of your own with your Hunter email address. Details can be found at this link:

 Image credit: 
"The Newsboy." Illustrated London News, 4 Jan. 1862, p. 32. The Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003, Accessed 25 Oct. 2021.

Posted Friday, October 29, 2021 - 4:13pm under news, newspapers.

We love to see you taking your online classes in our libraries. When you are, please note the noise policies of our locations and adjust your class participation so that you do not disturb others studying around you. We do not currently have Zoom installed on the library computers, so bring your own device if you are planning on using the Zoom app.

If you are in a Group study location, like the 4th, 6th, and 7th floors of our Cooperman Library, you may use your mic and speakers to participate in class- although we encourage you try to keep your volume down.

If you are on a Quiet study location- like the 3rd floor of Cooperman, or the Social Work & Public Health Library, or the Health Professions library, you should use headphones- not your device's speakers. You may participate via your mic as long as you use your "library voice" (like an "inside voice" but quieter) and are not speaking often or for a very long time.

If you are on a Silent study location, like the 1st through B2 levels of Cooperman or the Zabar Art Library, that means no mics, no speakers- only headphones and keyboard participation.

We know that online classes at Hunter offer many options for participation and we hope you find a space in our libraries that is a good match for your class participation style. We will be keeping an eye our spaces to see that they are meeting online class participation needs. If you are having trouble finding a space to match your needs, please stop by one of our service desks to let us know about it, drop in our chat channel, or send us an email.

Posted Friday, September 3, 2021 - 5:17pm under study spaces.
