
Does your discipline use mental tests and measures? Have you struggled to obtain full text of these items? You may know that many factors limit the availability of these materials including copyright and publishers’ restrictions. However, the Library can obtain instruments that were published in a book, article or dissertation. There are many ways to search for instruments that were published in books, articles, or dissertations, as well as some tests that are available free online. This guide can help get you started: 

Some of the sections that are available in print books may be obtained via interlibrary loan during the pandemic. You are welcome to contact for help with exploring tests available to us. 

Image credit:

Students studying learning patterns of white rats, Department of Psychology

Hunter Alumni Quarterly, Pg. 10, January 1964, Archives & Special Collections, Hunter College Libraries, Hunter College of the City University of New York, New York City.


Posted Friday, November 13, 2020 - 10:53am under tests, measures.

Why choose library databases over Google?  This librarian's answer might surprise you: FILTERS!  When you search in Google and get a million results (literally a million), the best you can do is hope that Google's algorithm will steer you to something useful. But Google doesn't know you, or what you need for your research.  

When you use library tools, like OneSearch or databases, you (the researcher) are in control.  Do you only want online materials? Or materials published within a certain date range? Do you want to include -- or exclude -- certain topics.  Filters help you do just that. You control how you'd like to narrow down your potential sources to help you find the *best* sources for your particular research question.  

To learn more about how to use filters, Ask A Librarian 

Posted Monday, November 9, 2020 - 10:00am under search, google, databases, research.

The Hunter College Libraries offer this guide to assist faculty in identifying appropriate and reputable venues in which to publish or present scholarly work.  This may be helpful to faculty who have been targeted by requests to publish or present in a venue with which they are not familiar, to newer faculty, and anyone who wants to learn more about current issues regarding publication quality. The guide discusses issues related to open access publishing; factors that make some journals or publishers less credible than others; and methods for evaluating the credentials of a journal or academic conference.  We also recommend consulting guidelines for best practices within your own disciplines and professional associations.

Alt text: screen shot of Evaluating Quality of Publications and Conferences Guide

Posted Wednesday, September 23, 2020 - 10:48am under evaluation, publications, quality, research.

Welcome to the Fall 2020 semester! Things here are different. We know that you need access to Library services and resources, but all of our Libraries will be physically closed for the Fall 2020 semester. However, we are ALWAYS open online.

Please visit this Guide to Library Servcices During the COVID-19 Pandemic to learn how to access our online resources.

And if you have questions (we know that you will have questions) use Ask a Librarian - Hunter librarians are working from home to help you!


Posted Wednesday, August 26, 2020 - 11:02am under resources, services, covid-19, 2020.
drawings of questions over top of a USPS priority mail envelope
Bean. Where's Your -- Head At?. 2011. Artstor,
We know you have lots of questions about access to library services and resources for yourself and your students for the coming semester. We want to hear them. Therefore we invite you to join Hunter College librarians at an upcoming listening session where you can ask questions and discuss your concerns. At these half-hour sessions, Hunter librarians will be available to listen and take note of any questions that arise. We will then use the questions you ask us to develop subsequent faculty-focused workshops and online content intended to address your most pressing questions.


As these are listening sessions, our attention will be on listening to your questions and gathering information in order to focus our efforts on addressing the things that are the most urgent.


The schedule for the listening sessions is:
Passcode: 053742


Passcode: 369521


Passcode: 946629


Please contact librarian Sarah Ward with any questions about these sessions,


Posted Wednesday, July 29, 2020 - 10:58am under faculty, resources, research, questions.

As of August 3rd, 2020, OneSearch will be the only place to look for resources from Hunter College and other CUNY Libraries. Please note that CUNY’s Classic Catalog will no longer be available. Individual database access will not be affected.

Additionally, you will now use your CUNY credentials to log in to OneSearch to check your account and to save links from search results.


Hunter College Libraries main website page

Posted Monday, July 27, 2020 - 10:36am under onesearch, search, find.

Do you know about Very Short Introductions Online from Oxford University Press?  These are succinct overviews of subjects written by experts in their fields, 637 of them, ranging from Abolitionism:  A Very Short Introduction, to Zionism: A Very Short Introduction.  Entries in the V's including Vikings, Viruses and Voltaire.  They serve as a useful bridge between a brief reference entry on a subject and higher academic works.  Use them to decide if you want to pursue a research topic, and if so, in which direction. 

Click the link above (NetID/password login required), or find them in our list of Databases under the letter V:


image of quote stating "every atom in our bodies was once part of a star" from Stars: A Very Short Introduction

Posted Wednesday, July 1, 2020 - 9:28am under databases, research.

[Emancipation Day Celebration, June 19, 1900]

Image citation:
Stephenson, Mrs. Charles (Grace Murray). [Emancipation Day Celebration, June 19, 1900], photograph, June 19, 1900; ( : accessed June 15, 2020), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Austin History Center, Austin Public Library.

On June 19, 1865 in Galveston, Texas General Gordon Granger of the Union Army informed the people of Texas that all enslaved people in the state were free.

This was in accordance with Lincoln’s executive order, the Emancipation Proclamation, issued two and a half years earlier. That order had declared all the enslaved people in the Confederate states free. By the time Granger made the announcement in Texas, Lincoln was gone. Enforcement of his order in Texas had been slow.

June 19, the date of Granger’s announcement became the date for an annual celebration, Juneteenth (a combination of June and nineteenth). Also known as Emancipation Day, it is the oldest and most popular celebration of the emancipation of enslaved people. In 1980, Juneteenth became an official state holiday in Texas. Today it is a holiday in 47 states including New York (since 2004).   Outdoor celebrations commonly include parades, picnics and speeches.  Henry Louis Gates writes: "Juneteenth celebrates African American freedom and achievement, while encouraging continuous self-development and respect for all cultures."

Ralph Ellison’s novel Juneteenth was published in 1999.

For more information about Juneteenth, see this New York Times article, "Juneteenth: The History of a New Holiday."

In 2020, CUNY began observing Juneteenth as an official holiday across the system, following Gov. Cuomo’s executive order declaring it a holiday for state employees.

On June 18, 2021, President Biden signed legistation making Juneteenth a federal holiday.

This post was written by Lisa Finder, Associate Professor, Electronic Resources Librarian, and Liaison to the Department of Africana, Puerto Rican, and Latino Studies

Did you know that librarians teach classes in information literacy and research? LIBR 100 is a one-credit course for students who are interested in improving their research skills and gaining an understanding of the flow of information and information sources. When students learn the skills taught in LIBR 100 they are better equipped to evaluate information, critical in a time when it is difficult to distinguish reliable information from misinformation. See the Information Research (LIBR 100) page for upcoming classes.

Posted Wednesday, June 17, 2020 - 9:25am under libr100, information research.


header for Gale Primary Sources Archives of Sexuality & Gender database

Celebrate Pride Month (June 2020) by reading some first-hand histories of individuals and organizations active in mid-twentieth century LGBTQ+ communities. Early archives include the records of gay and lesbian associations started in the 1940's and 1950's. Decades later, three collections document governmental and medical responses to the AIDS crisis. In between are a treasure trove of primary sources including oral history transcripts, diaries and letters. Discover how primary sources illuminate history. Link to Archives of Sexuality & Gender (log in with your Hunter NetID/password is required:

Cover page for Gay Power magazine

"Gay Power." Gay Power, vol. 3, no. 37, 1975. Archives of Sexuality and Gender, Accessed 3 June 2020.

Posted Wednesday, June 3, 2020 - 9:59am under lgbtq+, pride, online, history, primary sources.
