You might notice that our Ask A Librarian chat service has gotten a new look. It is still the same great service that allows you to chat with a librarian whenever you are feeling stuck with your research, overwhelmed by search results, or not finding what you are looking for. Ask A Librarian is staffed by a network of college and university libraries to allow you to chat 24/7 with college and university librarians from across the world. Give it a try. We are sure you will find librarians can be a wonderful resource for refining research questions, developing search strategies, and providing all sorts of recommendations for books, journals, databases, and other resources. If your question turns out to be too complex to resolve in a chat session, just leave your email and Hunter Librarians will follow up with you.
Hunter College Libraries staff and faculty are all still working hard to provide access to our services and resources.
Our Ask-a-Librarian service is busier than ever and available 24/7 - Hunter Librarians are online an ready to help. When Hunter and CUNY librarians are unavailable, a worldwide consortium of academic librarians are online and help you and also refer your questions to us for follow up.
When in doubt, Ask A Librarian!
See our Remote Resources for Hunter College Libraries Users.
Free and expanded access to online resources during the COVID-19 pandemic
Image: The Librarian by Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Beginning March 14, all CUNY libraries will suspend regular overdue fines and recall overdue fines on books. This is to reduce the need for borrowers to return books to campuses or to negotiate fine payments in-person during the period affected by coronavirus closures.
Reserve fines will remain unchanged.
Good news, folks!
In the spirit of making our book collection more accessible, both to the Hunter community and to CUNY as a whole we have, effective immediately, increased our number of renewals from two to five.
All you have to do is remember to renew, which you can do online.
Image by flickr user Frontyard Projects,
Do you ever wonder what to do if Hunter College Libraries does not have a book that you're looking for? If you have exhausted a search for a book in Hunter College Libraries catalog, you can see if any of the CUNY college libraries have a copy. If so, you can request the book through CUNY Libraries Inter Campus Service (CLICS) to be delivered to Hunter College. If Hunter College Libraries does not have the book, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan. If you are looking for an article that is not available in any of Hunter College Libraries' databases, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan.
Here's a diagram that may help.
You're Invited to WSJ's Student Editor Summit!
From The Wall Street Journal:
"As part of our commitment to inspiring the next generation of editors and journalists, The Wall Street Journal is hosting our Student Editor Summit on Friday, March 22, 2019.
Join us at the WSJ headquarters in New York City for workshops, talks, and a newsroom tour with the Journal's top reporters. Learn what it takes to deliver factual, ethical news and analysis, which you can apply at your college newspaper.
If you would like to attend, make sure your school-sponsored WSJ membership is activated and RSVP by clicking this link:
If you have not activated your account, do so here:
Only 100 places are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Sincerely, the WSJ Student Memberships Team"
Finding Open Educational Resources (textbooks, courseware, and ancillary materials which can be freely used, reused, and remixed) can be a daunting task. On the one hand, searching for OERs is tantamount to trying to find a needle in a needle-stack. OERs are still relatively novel pedagogical tools. As a result, some disciplines, and even specific courses, are over-represented. On the other hand, finding a quality OER resource can be like searching in a void — materials, that is quality materials, may not exist or may not be easily discovered. Adding to this frustration is the fact that OERs are as diverse as the disciplines which seek to employ them. There is no “one size fits all” OER.
Enter the Hunter Library’s OER office and our showcase OER repository "Open Educational Resources (OER): A Libguide". Faculty are encouraged to use the guide as a portal to OER resources found within Hunter, the Hunter Libraries, the CUNY system, and beyond. Opening sections provide an overview of what OERs are, what they can do, and how they have impacted pedagogy and student achievement, as well as highlighting OER workshops and webinars which first time OER users may find helpful. Our extensive resource section includes CUNY and SUNY OER platforms and repositories, multiple OER ‘finders,’ textbook collections, journals, media, courseware, and OER materials available through a number of public institutions. In addition, discipline specific modules highlight OER materials — from courseware and textbooks, to syllabi and lab manuals — available for use in OER and ZTC (Zero Textbook Cost) courses. The guide similarly features OER efforts undertaken by Hunter faculty, with links to resources for developing and adopting OER materials, Hunter faculty testimonials, OER grant opportunities, and the educational technologists over at Hunter’sTechnology and Teaching Learning Group (TTLG). Faculty can also find white papers, surveys, and peer-reviewed journal articles discussing OER adoption and creation, OER’s impact on student outcomes, and text-book cost reduction.
Copyright is an omnipresent concern when discussing OERs, and here too "Open Educational Resources (OER): A Libguide" canoffer assistance. Digital pedagogical tools have served to complicate copyright concerns. How much of a book can one post as a PDF on a course website or in Blackboard without violating copyright? Can I use modules, videos, images or audio that I find on the web, and if I do, how do I know they are from a reputable source? What are Creative Commons licenses and how do they correlate to copyright? Moreover, do I need one when I produce my own OER materials? The guide’s “Copyright and Intellectual Property” section can help address these concerns.
Building the guide is an ongoing process. As it continues to grow, the OER office plans to add more discipline specific modules, links to more non-textbook OER materials, and a page devoted to OER platform evaluation. Significantly, developing the guide is also a collaborative process. Finding, assessing and disseminating OER materials cannot succeed without faculty input. The OER office is always on the lookout for faculty partners willing to vet resources featured on the LibGuide, write reviews, and provide testimonials on OER pedagogy, course development, and OER adoption.
"Open Educational Resources (OER): A Libguide" is likewise a starting point for an ongoing dialog between faculty and library staff. Hunter’s OER Librarians can help navigate the often confusing OER landscape. We spend all day combing through OER materials, corresponding with OER Librarians at various institutions, and talking with professors who have experience using OER materials across a variety of disciplines. If you need to find a reputable, quality OER resource, we can assist you. The library’s OER team can also help vet OER resources with the aid of the library’s knowledgablesubject librarians. Their expertise can be put to use evaluating OER materials against other non-OER resources currently being used — an invaluable service given the potentially overwhelming plethora of available OER materials. Where no suitable OER resources exist, the OER librarians can help put faculty in touch with Hunter’s educational technologists who can assist in course design, development, and technical support. We can find comparable pedagogical platforms, evaluate technology options, and aid in adapting extant OER resources to fit the needs of a specific course or courses.
Though digital pedagogy, digital tools, and OER materials represent a paradigm shift in the way education is provided, the library continues to be the faculty’s guide to available resources and information technologies. If you’re interested in getting started with OERs, evaluating resources, or need assistance from our knowledgable staff please check out the LibGuide, and email the library’s OER office at
by Scott Lipkowitz, OER Adjunct
JSTOR users at institutions that also subscribe to Artstor may encounter a colorful surprise: some search results on JSTOR are now displaying image results from the Artstor Digital Library.
This feature is in pilot stage. Currently, some 840,000 images are available in the JSTOR image search, and the number will grow as we obtain the rights to display more. Image search on JSTOR is not intended to replace search on the Artstor Digital Library; rather, it is designed to enhance research on JSTOR, and not every search query will surface images.
Try JSTOR image search for yourself! If you are at one of the 1,400+ institutions that subscribes to both JSTOR and Artstor, conduct some searches to see relevant Artstor images surfaced at the top of your JSTOR search results. Some fruitful terms to get you started include New York tenements, Alfred Hitchcock, wetlands, and Santa Claus, and aquarium.
source: (accessed 14 Jan 2019)