
The 4th floor of the Cooperman Library will be closed February 6th through March 31st for renovations. The collections will not be available to browse while the floor is closed, but we will still retrieve items upon request. We look forward to seeing the 4th floor with a fresh new look!

Posted Friday, February 3, 2023 - 2:29pm under renovation.

Hunter College Libraries is proud to share news that our retiring Art Librarian, Steven Kowalik, has committed to establishing a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Intersex scholarship at his alma mater, Wayne State School of Information Sciences. Follow the link below to learn more about our amazing retiring Art Librarian Steven Kowalik and how he found and developed his career as a librarian:


Posted Saturday, January 28, 2023 - 9:11am under faculty.

Working on a group project? Need to work with your study group? Reserve a private space in the Cooperman Library for your group. 

Rooms are available throughout the library, and may be reserved by using the availability grid here. Many rooms in the library also have a QR Code posted outside. You may scan the QR code to reach the availability grid for that room. 

Available times will appear green. Click on one of the green squares to select your reservation start time, then chose your end time from the drop-down menu. You can reserve the room for up to two hours at a time, up to two times per a day. Sorry, no back-to-back bookings. When you click "Submit Times" you will be taken to a page that shows our policies for using the rooms. From that page, click "continue" to accept the Terms of Use and enter your name and email address on the next page. You will receive an email confirmation with a check in code and a link to your check-in page. When you arrive for your reserved time, scan the QR code next to the door to check in, or follow the link in your confirmation email. Checking in is important! Your reservation will be cleared if you do not check in within 30 minutes of your booking's start time.

Note: If you reserve a room on the 5th floor, then you must check in at the Circulation/Reserves Desk on the 3rd floor. Library staff at the circulation desk will loan you the key and check you in for your reservation. When you are finished with your reserved time, you will need to return the room key to the 3rd floor Circulation Desk.

General and special policies for the study rooms are on our Study Rooms Policy page. Please let us know if you have have any questions or suggestions.

Posted Thursday, December 22, 2022 - 11:50am under group study, Room Reservation, study spaces.

Hunter College Libraries congratulates Jennifer Newman and Julie Van Peteghem, recipients of the 2022 MLA-EBSCO Collaboration for Information Literacy Prize.

Jennifer is the libraries English & Humanities librarian and Julie is Associate Professor of Italian in the Romance Languages Department and Director of the Academic Center for Excellence in Research and Teaching, now located on the newly renovated 5th floor of the Cooperman Library.

The two collaborated to integrate concepts from the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education into a course on Dante’s Inferno, with the goal of focusing student attention on elements of knowledge production in Dante’s time and our own.

Their syllabus is available in the MLA commons to other instructors who may wish to recreate or borrow from their approach:

Posted Thursday, December 22, 2022 - 11:46am under awards, information literacy.

We have good news! The charging tower stations are back at the Cooperman Library after some diligent repair work to the damaged cables by our Systems team!

There are TWO charging towers in the Cooperman Library, one on the 3rd Floor near the Welcome Desk, and one on the 3rd Floor near the A/V Desk. If there are problems with these stations, please notify someone at one of our service desks on the 3rd Floor.

Each station contains the following:

(2) USB-C connectors
(3) USB-A connectors
(3) Apple Lightning connectors
Highlight photo: Charging on the Go by flickr user Sue Thompson
Posted Tuesday, December 13, 2022 - 1:54pm under charger, charging station, technology.

127 items from the Hunter College Concert Bureau Collection have been digitized and put online, including posters, playbills, programs and drawings. The Hunter College Concert Bureau was founded in 1943 by Hunter President George N. Shuster and continued until 1975. Prominent performers included violinists Jascha Heifetz, Yehudi Menuhin, Itzhak Perlman and Isaac Stern, pianists Claudio Arrau, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Vladimir Horowitz and Arthur Rubinstein, opera singers Marian Anderson, Joan Sutherland, Jussi Bjorling and Renata Tebaldi, writers W.H. Auden and Thomas Mann, and actor Sir John Gielgud.

 Professor Emerita, Sarah Pomeroy, donated her archives to the Hunter College Library and they have already been accessed for research that has led to publications.

 Georgia Tsouvala (Hunter BA, CUNY PhD, Classics, a History Professor at Illinois State University) and Hunter Professor, Ronnie Ancona, recently coedited New Directions in the Study of Women in the Greco-Roman World (Oxford University Press, 2021). The book is dedicated to Sarah Pomeroy, and President Raab kindly publicized on various Hunter social media in the fall of 2021.


At the beginning of April, 2022, a virtual book launch was held in Sarah's honor, and presented here is a video recording of it, a tribute to a groundbreaking scholar of Hunter and the CUNY Graduate Center 

Posted Friday, November 18, 2022 - 3:06pm under Women's Studies, Classics, Greek and Roman History.

Now in its fifteenth year, International Open Access Week is being observed from October 24 through October 30th, 2022.  Sponsored by the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) and various partners, Open Access Week is an opportunity for advocates of open access to engage with their communities regarding the benefits of open scholarship and research.  (For an introduction to key concepts of open access and the role it can play in scholarly communications, see this overview from SPARC.)

The theme for International Open Access Week 2022 is "Open for Climate Justice."  The goal of this year's theme is to draw awareness to ways in which open sharing of research results can help address inequities surrounding the impacts of climate change and our response to them.  

To find out more, please visit The official Twitter hashtag for the week is #OAWeek.  


Posted Thursday, October 27, 2022 - 5:12pm under open access.

We have offices available to Hunter College faculty for reservation on the newly renovated 5th floor of the Cooperman Library. Faculty may reserve an office for up to four hours a day, up to two times a week. Reservations may be made up to 90 days in advance.

To make a reservation, go online to our faculty office reservation site and find the date and time you would like to reserve. Click on a room that shows availability with a green band and enter the requested information. You will need to use your email address to make these reservations.

To claim your reservation, check in at the third floor circulation desk. You will need your Hunter OneCard to check out the room key to your library account. When you have completed your reservation, return the key back to the third floor circulation desk.

This is a new service and we are still working out what policies will work best. We welcome feedback and ideas for how we might improve the service.

Posted Friday, October 14, 2022 - 1:18pm under faculty.

Our study rooms on the newly renovated floor of the Cooperman Library are now available for reservation. Rooms 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, and 525 may be reserved for up to two hours a day. The rooms are equipped with display monitors that can make wireless connection to your devices. Reservations may be made up to two weeks in advance. These reservations may be made on our online room reservation site, similar to the method for making reservations for other rooms in the Cooperman Library. Unlike other reservable study rooms in the Cooperman library, the 5th floor study rooms are locked by key card. When you arrive for your reserved time slot, you will need to visit the 3rd floor circulation desk to borrow the study room key card. Library staff at the circulation desk will loan you the key and check you in for your reservation. When you are finished with your reserved time, you will need to return the room key to the 3rd floor circulation desk so that it is available for the next person who reserves the room. General and special policies for the study rooms are on our study room policies page. We hope you will enjoy these rooms. Please let us know if you have have any questions or suggestions about them.

Posted Monday, October 3, 2022 - 2:58pm under study spaces.
