
History - Europe

Research Guides

Recommended Databases

  • Indexes and abstracts to journal articles in the history of the world covering 1450 to present, excluding the United States and Canada, from journals published 1954 to present.

  • Bibliographic catalog of books, periodicals, cd-roms, videos, archival materials and photographs published worldwide.

  • JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. Explore a wide range of scholarly content through a powerful research and teaching platform. (Current journals are not entered into the database for two to five years.)

    As of August 1, 2024, all image content formerly on Artstor is available on JSTOR. Select the Images tab to limit a search to images only.

  • The most multi-disciplinary and general full-text periodicals database. Contains the full text of approx. 3,500 journals, with indexing going back to the mid 1970's on some titles. Updated daily.

  • Multidisciplinary index to research journals in the arts and humanities, including television and radio. 1975 to present.

Related Databases

  • An online collection of over 3,300 fully searchable high quality ebooks in the humanities.

  • First published in 1902, Cambridge Histories has over 300 volumes spanning fifteen subject areas across the humanities and social sciences, with a concentration on political and cultural history, literature, philosophy, religious studies, music and the arts.

  • A digital library of modern international history. It includes more than 800,000 pages of original documents, produced between 1874 and 1965, ranging from Winston S. Churchill’s personal correspondence to his official exchanges with kings, presidents, politicians, and military leaders. Complementing the core content, the Churchill Archive offers a range of additional materials, including pedagogical resources and secondary materials.

  • Concise background information on nations, updated periodically.

  • Early English Books Online (EEBO) contains digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473-1700.

  • Complete facsimile edition of The Economist, fully searchable.

  • A vast eighteenth-century library of a fully text-searchable corpus of books, pamphlets and broadsides in all subjects printed between 1701 and 1800. (Gale Primary Sources)

  • Annotated collection of primary documents on British history covering 500-1914.

  • Gale's integrated research platform for their primary resources. It searches multiple primary source databases at once with workflow tools to analyze information.

  • Primary and secondary material (books, documents and video) concerning major human rights violations worldwide from 1900 to 2010.

  • Resource to worldwide content on all aspects of the humanities in more than 1,450 full-text journals back to 1907.

  • The Illustrated London News 1842-2003.

  • The Artstor platform is retired as of August 1, 2024. All Artstor content is now available on JSTOR. The linked text above will take you to the JSTOR Images search page.

  • Parts 1 and 2: 62,400 works tracing the development of the modern world through trade and wealth.

  • Over 3,000 pages of medieval sources, annotated and edited.

  • New Pauly is a modern reference work for the ancient world. There is a section on Greco-Roman antiquity which covers more than 2,000 years of history. The section on the Classical Tradition is concerned with the aftermath of antiquity.

  • The collections are available through a modular topic-specific format of archives representing the vast changes that occurred during the nineteenth century. Interdisciplinary in scope. (Gale Primary Sources)

  • Full text of selected Oxford handbooks.

  • Primary and secondary sources on the history of feminism 1776-1928.

  • Seventeenth and Eighteenth century English news media available from the British Library. The collection includes more than 1,000 pamphlets, proclamations, newsbooks and newspapers from the period. (Gale Primary Sources)

  • Journal articles covering applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences; full text from 1994 forward; indexing with abstracts from 1984 forward.

  • Index to journals in the social sciences 1929-1983.

  • The Sunday Times, 1822-2006.

  • The Times of London from 1785 to 2014.

  • Supports world history studies through primary sources, multimedia content and reference sources. Cross-searchable with U.S. History in Context.