Curriculum and Teaching
Recommended Databases
Index, with abstracts, to journal articles and ERIC documents from the Educational Resource Information Center; with links to full-text, from 1966 to present.
Indexes and abstracts journal articles and book chapters in the field of psychology, 1887 to present. Has links to the full text of PsychArticles.
Related Databases
Streaming videos developed for training teachers.
Full-text resource for education, containing more than 1,700 full-text journals with coverage back to 1929.
Data from several National Center for Education Statistics sources; includes The Condition of Education and The Digest of Education Statistics.
Huge database of citations to journal articles and reports, 1966-2004 from the Dept. of Education. The reports (ERIC documents) issued 1993-2004 are available full text.
Full-text collection of education journal articles designed for the professional educator.
A collection of databases in the social sciences, including PAIS, Sociological Abstracts, Intl. Bibliography of the Social Sciences and more, and full text coverage of journal articles. The contents can be searched individually or as a group.
Indexes and abstracts journal articles and book chapters in the field of psychology, 1887 to present. Has links to the full text of PsychArticles.
Journal articles covering applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences; full text from 1994 forward; indexing with abstracts from 1984 forward.
Index to journals in the social sciences 1929-1983.
Index to the literature on physical education and sport, including dance, fitness, biomechanics and physical therapy.
For the professional educator, abstracts of over 280 of the most popular teacher and administrator trade journals.