Leon and Toby Cooperman Library
Technology is currently available on the 3rd floor, A/V desk.
Lenovo and Dell laptops, Chromebooks and iPads are available to borrow for *3 hour, *daylong, and **semester-long. Semester long loans are available first come first served.
*Short term laptop and iPad loans are due 1 hour prior to library closing.
**Semester-long loans are due at the end of the semester in which the laptop or iPad was borrowed.
Fall 2024 semester-long loans are due back by 4pm on Friday, December 20, 2024.
Options for AccessABILITY students can be found at the A/V Desk.
iPad minis are available for School of Education students.
Outstanding loans on laptops borrowed while campus was closed due to Covid-19 pandemic can be returned to the A/V desk during open hours.
Calculators (Scientific and TI-84 Graphing)
3 Hours (can be taken outside the Library)
3 hours
Remote Control
3 hours
Either 2 hours or 7 days depending on the item
Portable DVD/CD players
3 hours
For technology loans in other Hunter College Libraries, see Laptop Loan Policies.