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Haynes, Jones and Benjamin, Ellenville, NY 1956

An exhibition organized by Ann Gabhart, Wellesley College Museum, in collaboration with Rosalind Krauss, Hunter College. Front of Postcard: Untitled. Florence, Italy, c 1976

Art show of M.A. Alumni

an exhibition of collage drawings and watercolors

Poem by Mollie R. Golomb Epstein.

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Announcement of the anticipated production of Dr. Faustus at the Normal College Dramatic Club on April 22 1909. The Alumnae News (April 1909):1-2.

"An Appreciation" poem by Lileo Louise Claxton dedicated to Dr. Jenny B. Merrill. The Alumnae News (April 1934): 2.

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An introduction to "A Christmas Book" a magazine containing essays reviews articles and poems by the faculty of Hunter College English Department. The Alumnae News (January 1938): 2.

Poem by Jeannette S. Davis. The Alumnae News (February 1921): 5.


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