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Poem by Mollie R. Golomb Epstein.
Mollie R. Golomb Epstein
The Hunter College Alumni News
(October 1955): 6.
(October 1955): 6.
Alumni Association of Hunter College
October 1955
Text Item Type Metadata
Published Monthly from October to June, inclusive, at 49 East 65th St., New York 21, N. Y., by the Alumni Association of Hunter College of the City of New York Entered as second·class matter, Dec. 28, 1945, at post office at New York, N. Y., under act of Mar. 3, 1879
FROM THE PRIESIDENT OF THIE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION I hope that we are all returning to our winter activities with renewed energies, despite the trying summer weather. A number of our Chairmen continued in the summer to work on plans for the coming year. The new President of the Scholarship and Welfare Funds, Vic Bitterman, already has a number of projects in view for the Funds. The election of Mrs. Bitterman to the Presidency - she was one of the originators of the whole enterprise to help undergraduates - is a loss to the Executive Council, for she was for a long time Chairman of the Committee on the Council. But the Council's loss is the Funds' great gain. We are all deeply grateful for Vic Bitterman's long-continued service to the Alumni. Our indefatigable Louise Draddy is now President of the Association of Neighbors and Friends of Roosevelt House. A full program of activity for the year is already planned. I want to express a special word of thanks to our Committee on Constitutional Revision , Anne Trinsey, Chairman, and Ethel Berl, Lillian Corrigan, Irene Graff, and Adelaide Hahn. Theirs was a stupendous task, as I learned, sitting with the Committee. So much was accomplished in six months. I think that we may all feel that we now have a good working instrument in the constitution that was adopted at the Annual Meeting last May. To clarify the relation of Chapters to the main organization, a meeting was held in Westchester in July, at the home of Mrs. Cano. Mrs. Winer, the President of the Westchester Chapter, various members of the Chapter's Executive Committee, Miss Corrigan, Chairman of the Committee on Chapters, Mrs. Trinsey, and I at- ( tended. There was fruitful discussion of various matters. A special word of thanks is due too to Anne Mackey, Treasurer, and Anne Loop, Assistant Treasurer, who in the summer finished the monumental job of preparing the records for the Auditor. And thanks, too, to Ray Miller, who has continued, as Chairman of the Committee on Finance, to look after our investments. Our own editor, Adelaide Hahn, continues to serve us faithfully. I hope that with increased membership we can afford to spend more money for the NEWS and have an enlarged and illustrated monthly, as our Editor
FROM TH,E SWF P~ES'I,D'ENT At the last annual meeting of the Scholarship and Welfare Funds of the Alumni Association, held on June 2, the Board of Directors elected me President. This project, which was started by me six years ago, is very close to my heart. Despite the great expenditure of energy, time, and effort by the Directors and our many friends since 1949, we have not yet reached the half-way mark. I pray that, with the cooperation of the Alumni Association, our twelve Chapters, and the anniversary classes, it will not take six more years to reach the goal set - $250,000. . We are deeply appreciative of the splendid work of the Queens, Bronx, Washington, and Westchester Chapters. The Queens Chapter has contributed $1,000 annually since its organization several years ago. We hope all the other Chapters will follow the fine example of Queens. Remember, every dollar helps a needy student. It is interesting to note the tremendous advance in....interest and support evinced in the past three years by members of the Alumni, especially Executive Council Representatives/ and by the Faculty and Administrative Staff of the College. I appeal to all my loyal friends to continue the interest and support manifested in the past, and I urge those who have overlooked us so far to help us now, for it is never too late to help a worthy cause. We shall welcome constructive suggestions, and those who make them are assured of prompt action. The Board has been most fortunate in having had Louise F. Draddy as its President for the past six years. Her charm, wit, and kindliness have endeared her to all of us. In conclusion, I wish to thank the members of the Board for the honor they have conferred upon me. I promise to give the best that is in me to help promote the progress and success of our Scholarship and Welfare Funds. MRS. ,SAMUEL BITTERMAN 275 Central Park West, New York 24
To all who have helped in the work of our organization, my heartfelt thanks. May we all continue to serve the Alumni and the College in good faith. I am looking forward to a fruitfy.l year. FRANCES ROTH ABRAMS President, Alumni Association
At the Annual Meeting of the Scholarship and Welfare Funds of the Alumni Association of Hunter College, held on June 2, elections were held. The new officers are as follows: President-Mrs. Samuel M. Bitterman Vice-President-Mrs. Cornelia S. Amster Recording Secretai-y-Mrs. Anna M. Trinsey Corresponding Secretary-Miss B. Elizabeth Kallman Treasurer-Miss Laura Guggenbuhl Assistant Treasurer-Miss Ray L. Miller The following members were elected to the Board of Directors; - Mrs. Frances R. Abrams, Miss Marie K. Gallagher, Mrs. Jacob Larus, Miss Ra y L. Miller, and Mrs. Seymour R. Thaler. ,
1920 -- 1955
Who says that 'round the corner age is slowly creeping,
That we who sowed in '20 are almost done with reaping,
That we who won the college sings must list to others' singing,
That we have flung out fling and now must watch the others flinging,
That now is come the quiet time, the time for contemplation,
For lagging feet and slippered ease and waning animation?
A fig for pessimism and all that kind of rot:
Baby-sitting with our knitting will not be our lot!
We're past the age for comfort that at forty life begins --
--Or is there any five-year old that Hunter's B.A. wins?--
There's too much fire in the bones that made old '20 flame,
And every added year but teaches how to play the game;
For each time brings its own rich gifts that we with grace accept,
And age but adds its wisdom and make us more adept.
The threat of future boredom frights us not a jot:
Baby-sitting with our knitting will not be our lot!
For now has come the magic time when household chores have thinned,
And now we've earned a breadhing space to catch our second wind.
Wes, now at last the nights are still and all the children grown.
And so we find that we can pause and call our lives our own;
We now can primp our take a trip or even can retire
Or engineer a new career to set the Thames on fire.
We know not what we <i>will</i> do; we know what we will <i>not</i>:
Baby-sitting with our knitting will <i>not</i> be our lot!
Published Monthly from October to June, inclusive, at 49 East 65th St., New York 21, N. Y., by the Alumni Association of Hunter College of the City of New York Entered as second·class matter, Dec. 28, 1945, at post office at New York, N. Y., under act of Mar. 3, 1879
FROM THE PRIESIDENT OF THIE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION I hope that we are all returning to our winter activities with renewed energies, despite the trying summer weather. A number of our Chairmen continued in the summer to work on plans for the coming year. The new President of the Scholarship and Welfare Funds, Vic Bitterman, already has a number of projects in view for the Funds. The election of Mrs. Bitterman to the Presidency - she was one of the originators of the whole enterprise to help undergraduates - is a loss to the Executive Council, for she was for a long time Chairman of the Committee on the Council. But the Council's loss is the Funds' great gain. We are all deeply grateful for Vic Bitterman's long-continued service to the Alumni. Our indefatigable Louise Draddy is now President of the Association of Neighbors and Friends of Roosevelt House. A full program of activity for the year is already planned. I want to express a special word of thanks to our Committee on Constitutional Revision , Anne Trinsey, Chairman, and Ethel Berl, Lillian Corrigan, Irene Graff, and Adelaide Hahn. Theirs was a stupendous task, as I learned, sitting with the Committee. So much was accomplished in six months. I think that we may all feel that we now have a good working instrument in the constitution that was adopted at the Annual Meeting last May. To clarify the relation of Chapters to the main organization, a meeting was held in Westchester in July, at the home of Mrs. Cano. Mrs. Winer, the President of the Westchester Chapter, various members of the Chapter's Executive Committee, Miss Corrigan, Chairman of the Committee on Chapters, Mrs. Trinsey, and I at- ( tended. There was fruitful discussion of various matters. A special word of thanks is due too to Anne Mackey, Treasurer, and Anne Loop, Assistant Treasurer, who in the summer finished the monumental job of preparing the records for the Auditor. And thanks, too, to Ray Miller, who has continued, as Chairman of the Committee on Finance, to look after our investments. Our own editor, Adelaide Hahn, continues to serve us faithfully. I hope that with increased membership we can afford to spend more money for the NEWS and have an enlarged and illustrated monthly, as our Editor
FROM TH,E SWF P~ES'I,D'ENT At the last annual meeting of the Scholarship and Welfare Funds of the Alumni Association, held on June 2, the Board of Directors elected me President. This project, which was started by me six years ago, is very close to my heart. Despite the great expenditure of energy, time, and effort by the Directors and our many friends since 1949, we have not yet reached the half-way mark. I pray that, with the cooperation of the Alumni Association, our twelve Chapters, and the anniversary classes, it will not take six more years to reach the goal set - $250,000. . We are deeply appreciative of the splendid work of the Queens, Bronx, Washington, and Westchester Chapters. The Queens Chapter has contributed $1,000 annually since its organization several years ago. We hope all the other Chapters will follow the fine example of Queens. Remember, every dollar helps a needy student. It is interesting to note the tremendous advance in....interest and support evinced in the past three years by members of the Alumni, especially Executive Council Representatives/ and by the Faculty and Administrative Staff of the College. I appeal to all my loyal friends to continue the interest and support manifested in the past, and I urge those who have overlooked us so far to help us now, for it is never too late to help a worthy cause. We shall welcome constructive suggestions, and those who make them are assured of prompt action. The Board has been most fortunate in having had Louise F. Draddy as its President for the past six years. Her charm, wit, and kindliness have endeared her to all of us. In conclusion, I wish to thank the members of the Board for the honor they have conferred upon me. I promise to give the best that is in me to help promote the progress and success of our Scholarship and Welfare Funds. MRS. ,SAMUEL BITTERMAN 275 Central Park West, New York 24
To all who have helped in the work of our organization, my heartfelt thanks. May we all continue to serve the Alumni and the College in good faith. I am looking forward to a fruitfy.l year. FRANCES ROTH ABRAMS President, Alumni Association
At the Annual Meeting of the Scholarship and Welfare Funds of the Alumni Association of Hunter College, held on June 2, elections were held. The new officers are as follows: President-Mrs. Samuel M. Bitterman Vice-President-Mrs. Cornelia S. Amster Recording Secretai-y-Mrs. Anna M. Trinsey Corresponding Secretary-Miss B. Elizabeth Kallman Treasurer-Miss Laura Guggenbuhl Assistant Treasurer-Miss Ray L. Miller The following members were elected to the Board of Directors; - Mrs. Frances R. Abrams, Miss Marie K. Gallagher, Mrs. Jacob Larus, Miss Ra y L. Miller, and Mrs. Seymour R. Thaler. ,
1920 -- 1955
Who says that 'round the corner age is slowly creeping,
That we who sowed in '20 are almost done with reaping,
That we who won the college sings must list to others' singing,
That we have flung out fling and now must watch the others flinging,
That now is come the quiet time, the time for contemplation,
For lagging feet and slippered ease and waning animation?
A fig for pessimism and all that kind of rot:
Baby-sitting with our knitting will not be our lot!
We're past the age for comfort that at forty life begins --
--Or is there any five-year old that Hunter's B.A. wins?--
There's too much fire in the bones that made old '20 flame,
And every added year but teaches how to play the game;
For each time brings its own rich gifts that we with grace accept,
And age but adds its wisdom and make us more adept.
The threat of future boredom frights us not a jot:
Baby-sitting with our knitting will not be our lot!
For now has come the magic time when household chores have thinned,
And now we've earned a breadhing space to catch our second wind.
Wes, now at last the nights are still and all the children grown.
And so we find that we can pause and call our lives our own;
We now can primp our take a trip or even can retire
Or engineer a new career to set the Thames on fire.
We know not what we <i>will</i> do; we know what we will <i>not</i>:
Baby-sitting with our knitting will <i>not</i> be our lot!
Mollie R. Golomb Epstein, “"1920-1955",” Archives & Special Collections, accessed February 26, 2025, https://library.hunter.cuny.edu/omeka/items/show/2430.