ask a librarian

Ask a Librarian! We're available!

Hunter College Libraries staff and faculty are all still working hard to provide access to our services and resources.

Our Ask-a-Librarian service is busier than ever and available 24/7 - Hunter Librarians are online an ready to help. When Hunter and CUNY librarians are unavailable, a worldwide consortium of academic librarians are online and help you and also refer your questions to us for follow up.

When in doubt, Ask A Librarian!

Need help? Ask a Librarian!

The semester is nearly over, but we know you're still working hard. Ask a Librarian is available for you whenever you need it. 3 am? Ask a librarian. 9pm? Ask a librarian. Need more in-depth help with a research question or problem? Schedule a one-on-one consultation with a librarian. The link below will take you to our 24/7 chat service, as well as the form to schedule a one-on-one consultation.

We're here for you: