CUE, Art Exhibitions, About Town


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CUE, Art Exhibitions, About Town


A clipping from CUE describing the exhibit 'Magic of Flowers in Painting' at Wildenstein Gallery in both the 'Art Exhibitions' section and the 'Goings on About Town' section.


Week of April 22nd, 1954


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April 22-29



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Cole and Jimmy Rushing. Dancing .... CENTRAL fLAZA, r 11 Second Ave. , at 6th St. (AI 4-98Qo): Friday and Saturday. April 23-24. there'll be a welkin-ringing contest between (it is reported) Billy Butterfield, Red Allen, Bu ster Bailey, Herb Fleming, Sonny Greer. Freddie Moore. and Willie the Lion Smith. Dancing.




April 24, 1954


(Unless otherwise noted, galleries are open weekdays from around ro to between 5 and~.) GALLERIES A .. ERICAN PANORA,.A-Upward ,'(f~ forty canvases, by Robert Feke, Tillson Peale, Vinslow Homer, Jack Le,·ine, and others, in a wide survey of art in this country during the last two and a quarter centunes. A loan show from and a benefit for the Brooklyn lIuseum . Friday, .pril JO. (Knoedler. 14 E. ) Lou1s BoucHt-Country a s unnily lmpressioni May 8. (Krau shaar , 32 RoBERT DAVISON-S emi-S b lockily modelled and design, but generally urday, April 24. (H CHARLES DEMUTH AND can modernists in water colors; ( Downtown, 3 2 E. 5 LYONEL fEININGIR-New;:~~~~:~:~~~~~~~~¥~s,many of them showing in variations, by an artist now ia fourth year; through Saturday, May alentin, 32 E. 5ith St.) FuTURisw-A carefully selected, handsomely arranged loan exhibition o orks by the fi,·e I tali an arti~ts who foun the movementBalla, Boccioni, Carri1 , solo, a~. e,·erini; through Saturday, y 1 . (Jam IS E. 57th St.) ADOLPH GOTTLIEI-~ ew paintin shift iff.m hi s former "c01 to a more fluid form of al Saturdlly, . pril 24. (K Ave. 7th St.) MORRIS Es-Ducks and dnlk ally ndcr , clone in oils was d i screetly Japane thro aturday, .pril :q. s6th J. M. H4NSON-Recent oils . delicately abstract in style, by a transplanted English artist now t eaching at Cornell; through Thursday, . pril 29 . (Passedoit, 121 E. 57th St.) C.o. .. ILLE HILAIRE-Dark. fluently patterned abstractions, many of them of :[editerranean scenes, by one of the you nger French moderns; through May 8. (Galerie 1foderne. -19 W. 53rd St. Weekdays. 12:30 to 6.) JosEPH HtRSCH- Thirty can'ases painted during the last three years in Paris; through 1[ay 8. (Associated American Artists, 7II Fifth Ave., at ssth St.) GuRil HoNotus-New paintings, chiefly of the circus which show a lot of understanding of their ~ubject; through Thursday, April 29. (llyer , 32 V. 58th St. Monday s through Fridays, 1 o to 6; Saturdays. 11 to s.) P.o.u t KLEE-A mall retrospective of paintings and drawings that date from '1912 to his death in 1940; through May 8. (Saidenberg, 10 E . 77th St. Weekdays, 2 to 5:30.) FRANZ KLINE-Big, powerful abstractions. all done in black-and-white, by' a n1ajor representative of the American calligraphic school; through May 8. (Egan, 46 E. 57th St.) HENRY KoERNER-Paintings and drawings keenly if a hit dryly, observant of the more earn~st s ide of life in a g irl's school ; through Saturday, May r. (1lidtown, 17 E. 57th St.) PER KROHG-The first American s ho wing of paintings, 1912 to the present, by one of. the leaders of the N orwegtan post- ImpressiOnists; through Saturday, April 24. (St. Etienne, 46 W. 57th St.) ~1c OF FLowERs-A rather ponderous but cer tainly comprehensive garland p£ flower j stu lies, from the si~teenth centlify to tl.1e present. For th e henefit of the Lenox Hill

events of the week
(continued) *ORIGINALS ONLY Presents new plays at Originals Onl y Playhouse, 100 Seventh Ave. S. near Sheridan Sq. CH 2-9465 or WA 9-6608. Hot and cold refreshments may be purchased. Eves. Wed.-Sun. 8:40. Midnight Sat. Adm . by voluntary contribution. Cont.- " N<! Legal G rounds". *PRAISE OF FOLLY-Cont.-Blackfrlars production ·of new play by John McGuire. Blackfrlars' Guild, 316 W. 57. CI 7-0236. Eves . ex. Mon. 8:15 p.m. $1.75-$2.75. THEODORE-Every Sa t . -One-man Grand Guignol show. Not for the squea,mtsh or those with easily fluttered sensibilities . Carnegie R ecital Hall. 154 W. 57th. CI 7-'J..W. Midnight 51.80 & $2.40. *THREEPENNY OPERA, T'lt Cont.-The late Kurt Weill's score for this satiric gem of the '20s Is a modern masterpiece and his widow, Lotte Lenya lends a masterful. satiric bite to the re-creation of her original role. Theatre De Lys. 121 Christopher St. WA 4-8782. Mats. Sat. & Sun. 2:40, $1.10-$2.75. Eves. 8:40, Tues.Sun. $1.65-$3.30. No perf. Mon. *TIME OF STORM-Cont.-A fine cast, good production provide power and authority to Sheldon Stark's play about the witch hunt hysteria that spread through Massachusetts In 1693. With Mike Kellin, Jane White, Betty Bendyk. Greenwich Mews Playhouse, 141 W. 13. TR 3-4810. Eves. ex. Mon. & Fri. 8:30. Adm by contribution. *TIN WALTZ-Apr 22-25 & 30- May 4-Actors & Writers Theatr.e production of new play /by Nat Harris. St. Clements Church , 423 w. 46th S t. PL 7-6300. 8:30. $1.80. *SOUND OF HUNTING, THE-Cont.-Trio Produc tions presentation. CherrY Lane Thea .. 38 Commerce St . CH 2-9583. Eves. ex. Mon. 8:40, $1.50-$2.50. *WORLD OF SHOLOM ALEICHEM-Cont.-A rewarding richly-flavored dramatization of three classic Yiddish stories . Deft performances by Morris Carnovsky, Ruby Dee, 011 Green, Wlll Lee. Barblzon-Plaza Thea., 58th & 6th Ave. CI 7-7000. Mats. Sat. & Sun. 2:40, $1.10-'$2.20. Eves. 8:40, Tues.-sun. $1.65-13 .30.

Toronto Mend e lssohn Choir-Tue.s & Wed, Apr

27 & 28---8:30. $1.50-$6.
Ph il h a rmonic Symphony- Thurs, Apr 29-8:45.

Mltropoulos cond. Michael Rabin , violinist. Ve rdi. Overture to "Nabucco"; Mohaupt, VIolin Concerto ; Rachmaninoff, Symphon y No. 2 In E minor. $1.75-$4.50.
Ph i lharmonic Symphonv-Fri, Apr 30--2:30.

Mltropoulos cond. Michael Ra.bln , violinist. See Thu rs eve program. $1.75-$4.50. TOWN •HALL-113 W 43. LU 2-4536.
Friendly Sons of St. P a trick 's Glee Club-

Fri , Apr 23-8 :30. $1.38. ' ,C hora l Conce rt-Sat, APr 2-2:30 . Schola Cantorum of Hobart & William Smith Colleges. $1. ~ $2.40 . . . . 8 pm. American Mandol in Orchestra . Thomas Sokoloff cond . $1.20-$2.40 . Aristo Art ists-Sun , Apr 25-5:30. $1.10-$1.65.
. . . 8:30. Caroline T a ylor, pianist. $1.10-

Ern est Ulmer,


$1.10-$2.20 . . . . 8:30. Inc. First In serie's contemporary music . Room. Complimentary sers of Today , Inc,
Centen ary Jr. College

8:30. " Fest ival of the
Choral Conce r t - W ed , Apr

College A Cappella Choir dren's Choir. $1.
Phil i ppa Schuyler,

8:30 . $1.10-$2.75. WASHINGTON IRVING H.S 8:15 pm. Tickets 75c, from Concerts. 32 Union Sq . OR
-Rudolf F irk usny , p ia nist..

" ADVENTURES OF SINBA 22-25-Puppet show; also candy. Club Cinema, 430 (near 9 St). 3 pm . $1. OR BROOKLYN CHILDREN 'S & Pa rk Pl. B 'klyn. 11:30 am>. live animal tlo n s. etc. (W'kdays 10 1-5 pm).

JOSE GRf!CO & In a Program way Theatre . (Wed. Apr 28: 2:40. $1.10-$2. $1.65-$3.30. Y.M.H.A .-Lexington Av &

"HEIDI"-Wed, Apr

92 St . TR 6-2366.

Sun , Apr 25-Ch a rles We i dman Dance Theatre.

8:40. $1.50-$3. . . . Mon, Apr 26--Em ily Fra nkel a nd Mark Ryder. 8:40. 11.50-$2.50. . .. Tues, Apr 27-Ballet Theatre Workshop. 8:40. $1.50 & $2.

NEW YORK CITY OPERA CO.-Thru Sun, May 2-N. Y. City Center. 131 W 55. CI 6-8989. Mats Sat & Sun 2:30. Eves Inc! Sun 8:15.
51.50·$3.60. Fri , Apr

Drama Guild, Inc. Turn Hall, Lexington Av $1. LA 4-7569 . ICE SHOW AND LUNCHEON-Every Sat & Sun -Show " Silhouettes on Ice ." Steve Kisley's Orchestra. Hotel New Y-orker, Terrace Room, 8th Av & 34th St. Show starts Sa t 1:15. Sun 2:45. Sat club luncheon from $1.85 . Sun dinner from $2.50. Cover charge $1. LO 3-1000.

SNOW WH ITE" -Eve ry S a t & Sun thru Apr-



Apr 24 (Mat) "La Cene rentola" . (Eve) "Madama Butterfly." Sun , Apr 25--(Mat) " Die Fledermaus ." (Eve) "Falstaff." Fri , APr 30"Falstaff." Sa t , May 1-{Mat) "Die Fledermaus." (Eve) " Carmen." Sun, Ma y 2-{Mat) "Tasca." (Eve) "Show Boat." AMATO OPERA THEATRE - 159 Bleecker St. OR 7-2844. Eves 8:30. Adm free . Reservations must be made In advance at theatre or by maU (stamped. self-addressed envelope must be closed). Fri·Sun , Apr 23~25- 11 Don

P resented by P laymart P roductions. Carl Fischer Concert Hall , 165 W . 57. Sat 1 pm & 2:45 : Sun 2:45 . 75c & $1.20 . PL 3-0746 or PL 7-2027. STUDIO THEATRE FOR CHILDREN- Sun , Apr 25-0rlental show presented by Kay Marw!g. S ~ories. audience participation in costumes. games, prizes , etc. Theatre Studio of Dance, 137 W 56. 3 pm. 40c . LE 4-7833.

AMERICAN PANORAMA-Forty American Paintings from B rooklyn Museum. Benefit of the Museum. Knoedler Galleries, 14 E 57. Thru Apr. 50c. BRADBURY, BENNETT Marine paintings. Grand Central Art Galle·rtes, 15 Van derbilt Av. Apr 27-May 8. ELSER, ELIZABETH-Recent sculpture. Argent Gallery . Ho tel Delmonico, 67 E 59. APr 27May 15. FAIN , YONIA-15 PRintings by a Mexican artist. John Heller Gallery, 63 E 57. Fl ELD , FRANCES-Oils and pastels. Martha Jackson Gallery, 22 E 66 . Apr 27-May HL GASSER , HENRY-Olls , caseins, watercolors. Grand Central Art Galleries. APr 26-May 8. GLASCO-Show of drawings. Catherine VIviano Gallery, 42 E 57. Thru May 1. ·<iROUP SHOW5-"Magic of Flq~ers ln Painting ," loan exhlbltflin of 86 pa!ritrngs, at Wllil1!ri5reln Gallery , 19 E May 15 . . . . 1s r c an JilO ern enamels, at ooper nion Museum. 8th S t & 4th Av. Thru June 11 . . . . " P aris In New Yo rk Festival. " work by Bonho mme . Steve Kek , others, at Chapelller Gallery, 48 E 57. Thru Apr . . . . " Predominantly
French,' ' comprehensive show of contemporary


BROOKLYN ACADEMY OF MUSI Av. ST 3-6700. Wed, Apr . . Chamber
Music Associates. $1.50 . . . . Fri, Apr 30-8:30 . Mass ie Patterson Carib S i ngers. "Calypso


Carousel." program of West Indian music. $1.20-$2.40. CARNEGIE HALL-57 & 7 Av . CI 7-7460.
Philharmonic Symphony- Fri , Apr 23-2:30 .

tropoulos cond. Leila Gousseau , pianist. alo. Overt ure to "Le Rol d' Ys"; Bizet, Symhony In C; Conve rse. "The Myst ic Trumeter": Chopin. Pl ano Concerto No. 2 in F !nor: Chabrler. Fetes Polonaise. $1.75-$4.50 .
lharmonic Symphony-Sa t, Apr 24-8:45.

!Jtropoulos cond. Leonid Hambro , pianist . ,ala . Overture to "Le Roi d 'Ys" : Bizet, S ym4'- bony In C; Everett Helm, Plano Concerto fm.ra~:ces~~h~~ko;,~~~~i. ~Y~~:o~~~~2/an tasy •
!harmonic Symphony-Sun , Apr 25-2:30.

"!troPoulos cond. Leonid Hambro , pianist . Lar.,. Overture to " Le Rol d'Ys" ; Bizet, Symphony tn C: Rachmaninoff. Plano Con certo No. 4 In G minor; Chabrler, Fetes Polonaise.
1.50-$3.25 . . . . 5:30. Norm a Jean, soprano,

, Kenneth Lane, tenor. $1.10-$3 .30. . 30. Severin Turel, pianist. $1.80-$3.60.

printmakers, at The Contemporaries, 959 Madison Av. Th ru MaY 15 . . . . " Portrai ts In Review. 1953-54,'' at P ortraits, Inc., 136 E 57. APr 28-May 18. . . . APril show of oils by J osePh Albers, Milton Avery, James Brooks,


“CUE, Art Exhibitions, About Town,” Archives & Special Collections, accessed March 14, 2025,

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