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"An Appreciation" poem by Lileo Louise Claxton dedicated to Dr. Jenny B. Merrill. The Alumnae News (April 1934): 2.

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An introduction to "A Christmas Book" a magazine containing essays reviews articles and poems by the faculty of Hunter College English Department. The Alumnae News (January 1938): 2.

"A Song of Good Will" by Helen Gray Cone. The Alumnae News (May 1915): 4.

"Aligned" a poem by Helen Gray Cone. The Alumnae News (March 1918): 3.

Mowry Baden, Michael Brewster, Lygia Clark, Gego, Frederick Kiesler, Barry Le Va, Robert Morris, Tony Smith, Sanfford, Wurmfeld

Art exhibition presented by Hunter's full time, adjunct, and visiting faculty

Brief biographical sketch of Lydia F. Wadleigh. The Alumnae News (January 1938): 5. Reprinted from The New York Times, December 11, 1937.
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