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Tony Smith
Tony Smith Tau, Organized by Evelyn Kranes Kossak Professor of Art History and several of her students from the MA Program in Art History.
Transparent Opaque
Paintings on Paper
Turning the Corner
Abstraction at the End of the Twentieth Century
Uncommon Images
Early Photos of Medieval Movements
Underknown in New York, II
Hunter Faculty Select
United By Passion for Art
Hunter College BFA Exhibition
Upon Further Review
Looking at Sports in Contemporary Art, Front Image: Robin Rhode, Catch Air (detail), 2003 Courtesy of the Artist and Perry Rubenstein Gallery, New York
Urban Affairs & Planning Department, 1969, 1972--1975, 1986--1987, 2005--2007
The records of this department are semi-processed.
Vice President for Administration Records, 1974--1991
Administrative records for the years indicated. Unprocessed.