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  • Tags: The Bertha and Carl Leubsdorf Art Gallery

Looking at Sports in Contemporary Art, Front Image: Robin Rhode, Catch Air (detail), 2003 Courtesy of the Artist and Perry Rubenstein Gallery, New York

Front Image: Lisa Kereszi, Theatre Floor, New Haven, Conn., 2000 (detail)

Works by Isadro Blasco, Diana Cooper, Taylor McKimens, Sarah Oppenheimer, Peter Scott

Front Image: Yun-fei Ji, Forbidden City Ghosts (detail), 2002 Collection of Chris Peddy

EV* An Evocation of Ottoman Istanbul

Islamic Art and the West in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Front Image: Cover of the Davis Album, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Theodore M. Davis Collection, bequested 1915

Selections from the Ciba Art Collection, Elaine de Kooning, Sunday Afternoon, 1957, oil on masonite, 36 x 42 in.
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