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Front image: Yellow to White to Blue to Black, 1967. Xerox Corporation, El Segundo, CA.

Front image: Mac Wells, Sarada, 1984. Acrylic on canvas/linen, diptych, 20x24 in.

A full page advertisement from ART News describing the upcoming collection of "Magic of Flowers in Painting", April 13 -- May 15, 1954


New York Times column describing the upcoming "Magic of Flowers in Painting" exhibit to benefit the Lenox Hill Association.


New York Times column describing the upcoming "Magic of Flowers in Painting" exhibit to benefit the Lenox Hill Association.

New York Times column describing the upcoming "Magic of Flowers in Painting" exhibit to benefit the Lenox Hill Association.

New York Times Art review of the upcoming preview of "Magic of Flowers in Painting" mentioning the painters who's works will be on display, entry cost and hours.

New York Times Art review of the upcoming preview of "Magic of Flowers in Painting" mentioning the painters who's works will be on display, entry cost and hours.

A New York Times review of the opening preview for the exhibit "Magic of Flowers in Paintings", describing the attendants and the dates the show will be open.

A New York Times review of the exhibit "Magic of Flowers in Paintings" that benefited the Lenox Hill Association. Writen by Howard Devree.
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