Profile of Professor Harry L. Levy of the Classics Department, who later became the Dean of the Bronx Division. The Hunter College Alumni News (October 1959): 3.
The Board of Higher Education proposed a reorganization of the municipal colleges that would create the
largest university under single auspices in the country. The Hunter College Alumni News (January 1961): 1.
A program including three productions was dramatized for the purpose of completing the payment of making Hunter College a Supporting Member in Perpetuity of the American Academy in Rome. The Alumnae News (April 1929): 4.
Remarks made by Ordway Tead, Chairman of the Board of Higher Education, at the Laying of the Cornerstone of Hunter College. The Alumnae News
(January 1940): 2-3
A report of the Administrative Committee of Hunter College on Recommendations for a successor to President Eugene A.Colligan. The Alumnae News (April 1940): 1., Additional authors of the report included Ordway Tea and Harry J. Carman.