President George N. Shuster addressed the controversies regarding closing the Bronx Campus of Hunter College. Also included is a Statement by the Associate Alumnae of Hunter College. The Alumnae News (March 1946): 1.
Mrs. Graff attended a meeting with the Board of Directors and the decision was to send a resolution to the Board of Higher Education to erect a new modern building at the present site. The Alumnae News (March 1936) : 2
Representatives of various groups interested in the erection of a new building for Hunter College held a meeting at the Hunter Alumnae Hall. The Alumnae News
(March 1936) : 4.
A reprint from the New York Sun of September 17, 1929, about buildings being erected in Hunter College in the Bronx. The Alumnae News (October 1929): 1.