Announcement that the Navy was releasing the Bronx buildings which were used by the United States Navy for the training of WAVES and SPARS during W.W. II. The Alumnae News (December 1945): 1.
Obituary of Mary F. Higgins, Professor Emeritus and Head of the Department of Education at Hunter College. The Hunter College Alumni News (June 1958): 10.
Introduction of Professor Norman Singer, who became the administrator of the newly re-established Hunter College Concert Bureau. The Hunter College Alumni News (October 1962): 14.
Profile of Professor Harry L. Levy of the Classics Department, who later became the Dean of the Bronx Division. The Hunter College Alumni News (October 1959): 3.
A program including three productions was dramatized for the purpose of completing the payment of making Hunter College a Supporting Member in Perpetuity of the American Academy in Rome. The Alumnae News (April 1929): 4.
Remarks made by Ordway Tead, Chairman of the Board of Higher Education, at the Laying of the Cornerstone of Hunter College. The Alumnae News
(January 1940): 2-3
A report of the Administrative Committee of Hunter College on Recommendations for a successor to President Eugene A.Colligan. The Alumnae News (April 1940): 1., Additional authors of the report included Ordway Tea and Harry J. Carman.
Resolutions passed by the Committee on Resolutions to express their deep appreciation toward Professor Whicher's attributes to Hunter College. The Alumnae News (December 1937): 5.