Resolution of the Convention held by the New York City Federation of Women's Clubs concerning Hunter's new buildings. The Alumnae News (November 1936) : 1.
"Mihi Cura Futuri", our school motto, has never been more appropriate than now because of the disastrous fire, causing Hunter students having to travel from one buildings to another. The Alumnae News (January 1937): 3.
Dean John J. Meng informs the Hunter community about the construction of a fifth building on the Bronx campus. The Hunter College Alumni News (April 1958): 2.
Announcement that the Navy was releasing the Bronx buildings which were used by the United States Navy for the training of WAVES and SPARS during W.W. II. The Alumnae News (December 1945): 1.
Remarks made by Ordway Tead, Chairman of the Board of Higher Education, at the Laying of the Cornerstone of Hunter College. The Alumnae News
(January 1940): 2-3
Short Biography of Samuel J. Silberman, who donated a 4 million gift to Hunter College for a New School of Social Work. Hunter Alumni Quarterly (Fall 1964): 2-3.